About four years ago, when Elder Haskell and others were conducting a Bible training-school and evening services in New York City, the word of the Lord to the workers there was: “Let the believers living near the place where you are holding meetings, share the burden of the work. They should feel it a duty and a privilege to help make the meetings a success. God is pleased by efforts to set them at work. He desires every church-member to labor as his helping hand, seeking by loving ministry to win souls to Christ.”
(RH December 20, 1906, 1)
“The large cities should have been worked just as soon as the churches received the light. But many have carried no burden for souls, and Satan, finding them susceptible to his temptations, has spoiled their lives. God asks his people to repent, be converted, and return to their first love, which they have lost by their failure to follow in the footsteps of the self-sacrificing Redeemer.”
(RH December 20, 1906, 2)
And to the church in Los Angeles, over a year ago, when the Lord was mightily stirring the people through the tent-meetings in progress, was sent the word:
(RH December 20, 1906, 3)
“Let the Los Angeles church have special seasons of prayer daily for the work that is being done. The blessing of the Lord will come to the church-members who thus participate in the work, gathering in small groups daily to pray for its success. Thus the believers will obtain grace for themselves, and the work of the Lord will be advanced.
(RH December 20, 1906, 4)
“This is the way we used to do. We prayed for our own souls and for those who were carrying on the work. The Lord Jesus declares that where two or three are gathered together in his name, he is in the midst of them, to bless them. Let there be less talking, and more sincere, earnest prayer.
(RH December 20, 1906, 5)
“I fear that the effort that is being made to proclaim the truth in Los Angeles will not be appreciated. Let every man come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty foe. Where a special effort is made, as has been revealed by the evangelistic work done in Los Angeles, let every member of the church draw near to God. Let all search their own hearts with the light that shines from the Word. If sin is discovered, let it be confessed and repented of. Let every helper be in good working order. The Lord will hear and answer prayer. Let not the church-members think that efforts should be put forth for them by the one who is impressed to labor for those who have been neglected, those in whose behalf special efforts have not heretofore been put forth.
(RH December 20, 1906, 6)
“Where such an effort is made as has been made in Los Angeles, let the members of the church clear the King's highway, and help with their means in the work being done. Let them show that they are in perfect harmony. Let them be on hand at the meetings, armed and equipped for service, ready to talk with any one who may be interested. Let them pray and work for the lost sheep.
(RH December 20, 1906, 7)
“Let the second chapter of Second Timothy be impressed on the heart and brought into the practical life. Let not this season pass and leave the church uninfluenced by the truth that has been proclaimed. There is danger of the church's being in a self-satisfied, indifferent, backslidden condition during this time of special blessing, when the Word of God is being presented. Awake, my brethren, awake, and do not let angels see that you feel but little obligation to act your part in sustaining the work that is being done. Be wide awake. Pray while going about your daily duties. Draw strength from Christ; and let your hearts be filled with the deepest gratitude that the Lord is working. Be laborers together with him.
(RH December 20, 1906, 8)
“This is Los Angeles’ opportunity. If the members of the church will come humbly before God, putting all that is wrong out of their hearts, and consulting him at every step, he will manifest himself to them, and will give them courage in him.”
(RH December 20, 1906, 9)
This instruction is specially applicable to the churches at Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, and San Francisco. Long has the light of present truth been shining upon the pathway of the believers in these churches. In a peculiar sense have they been favored with unusual light and unusual privileges. And now, when the judgments of heaven have led thinking men and women to pause and reflect what these things mean, a golden opportunity is given every believer to co-operate heartily with the messengers of truth who have come to tell the people that Jesus is soon coming again.
(RH December 20, 1906, 10)
In this time, when God's message of warning is being so clearly proclaimed in these cities, every believer should carefully study and take heed to the words of counsel written by Paul to Timothy:
(RH December 20, 1906, 11)
“Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
(RH December 20, 1906, 12)
“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom: Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”
(RH December 20, 1906, 13)
If, in this opportune time, the members of the churches will come humbly before God, putting out of their hearts all that is wrong, and consulting him at every step, he will manifest himself to them, and will give them courage in him. We must be ready to use our God-given capabilities in the work of the Lord. We must be ready to speak words in season and out of season,—words that will help and bless.
(RH December 20, 1906, 14)
As the church-members do their part faithfully, the Lord will lead and guide his chosen ministers, and strengthen them for their important work. In much prayer let us all unite in holding up their hands, and in drawing bright beams from the heavenly sanctuary. We are soul-hungry to see the work advancing as it should. Christ is our alpha and our omega. Only in his strength can we gain success.
(RH December 20, 1906, 15)