The Lord claims the service of all who believe the truth for this time. They are to be laborers together with Christ in proclaiming the message of mercy to the world. God has committed to each talents to be used for his name's glory. The vineyard is the world. The soil to be cultivated is found in every city, in every village, in the highways and by-ways, in places near and afar off. Seed is to be sown in good works that will benefit those who have not had the light of present truth. The kind of ministry brought to view in the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah is to be faithfully done. Those who are arrayed in Christ's righteousness, the beautiful garments of truth, and whose lives are being sanctified by the truth, will go forth to labor for all classes with equal solicitude. They will not be bound about by bands of selfishness, but will regard all the world as the field.
(RH September 16, 1909, 1)
“Let your light so shine before men,” the Saviour declared, “that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” There is to be no limit to the places where the light should shine. It is to reach to the regions beyond. Tell it, urge upon all with earnest force, to give their service for those who are in the darkness of error. To teach the word of God to unbelievers, to unite our prayers for them, are duties that we owe to our Redeemer.
(RH September 16, 1909, 2)
This is a time when every church and every family should be exercised unto godliness. I feel sad as I see men and women and youth spending time and energy in self-gratification. Selfishness is occupying much time that the Lord would have devoted to religious activities. I have been shown that the money that is lavishly spent by many believers for unnecessary things should be given to the work of winning souls that are ready to perish. It is time that our people felt the need of being laborers together with God. Self-denial and self-sacrifice are highly appropriate for this time. “We are laborers together with God,” the Spirit through Paul declares. If unbelievers see in our works and lives devotion and self-sacrifice in order to save souls ready to perish, they will be impressed with the reality of the truths we profess. The truth that sanctifies the receiver will make its impression upon them.
(RH September 16, 1909, 3)
This is a time when every soul needs to cling earnestly to God. Those whom the Lord is leading to do his last work in the earth are to stand as Micah and Zephaniah and Zechariah stood in their day, to call to repentance and good works. The writings of these prophets contain warnings and instruction applicable to this time, and should receive our careful study. They should teach us to shun every phase of evil that made such warnings essential to the people of the past. Let every soul arouse and make diligent examination of self, that everything that would separate the people of God from righteousness may be put away.
(RH September 16, 1909, 4)
O that our people would arouse and put away all weakness of the flesh and spirit! It was for this that Christ wept and prayed. The heart of Infinite Love was stirred as he saw souls being snared and selling themselves for worldly gain. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,” he said, “where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eyes be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and Mammon.”
(RH September 16, 1909, 5)
I have thought much of how little burden is carried by those who know the truth for those who know it not. Christ came to this world to call sinners, not the righteous, to repentance. Those who know the truths of the Word of God are not to hide their light in obscurity, but as faithful missionaries are to give the warning message to unbelieving neighbors and friends. They are to work as Christ has given them example. All who have a knowledge of the testing truths for this time should ask themselves the question, Am I giving the time and labor to the work of saving souls that Christ requires of his followers?
(RH September 16, 1909, 6)
I would say to all our people, Place yourselves in the light, that you may reflect light, and that souls may be led to see the great and soul-saving truths of the Word of God. Every believer in Christ should be a laborer together with him in drawing souls from sin to righteousness. We are to keep in view the life that measures with the life of God. We are to watch for opportunities to bring the truths of the Word before those who do not see and understand. Christ is not now with us in person, but through the agency of the Holy Spirit, he is present to impart his power and grace and great salvation.
(RH September 16, 1909, 7)
A review of our churches is being made by the One who says, “I know thy works.” The need of the church today is true conversion, consecration, zeal, and whole-hearted service. These elements, brought into the life, will make church-members vessels unto honor, men and women through whom the Lord can communicate the teachings of his Spirit.
(RH September 16, 1909, 8)
Another great need of the church is humility,—the deep humility of Christ. Believers need to see the necessity of working as Christ worked. O for that devotion and humility of heart that will lead God's people to do those things that Christ has commanded, and still in all humility and truth say, We are unprofitable servants; we have done only that which it was our duty to do! But many, many are swelling with pride and importance, who in God's estimation are lukewarm. Self-gratification is revealed because of a few things accomplished. Where do we hear the testimony of hearts that are broken in repentance and confession before God? Where do we see professed believers wearing the yoke of Christ? How little time is given to fervent prayer, the result of which would be the possession of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price.
(RH September 16, 1909, 9)
When the Captain of our salvation descended to earth, he brought with him the interests of all heaven. He advanced to Calvary with all the lovers of mercy and the friends of mankind in his train. I ask, Had angels of God taken the place of human agencies in the administering of the gospel, think you there would be whole regions today sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death? Were angels given power to revolutionize and prescribe the duties of the church, would they not say, “Go, stand and speak ... to the people all the words of this life”? How can those who have been converted, be so indifferent? I call upon them in the name of the Lord, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”
(RH September 16, 1909, 10)
The Lord demands the cultivation of every talent. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” Our words, our prayers, our voluntary and sincere service, our humble, earnest efforts to represent precious, saving truth,—by all these we are to show our love for him who gave his life for us. O that our efforts to bless others might be in proportion to the light we have received! But we do not render to God returns that are proportionate to the wonderful truths we claim to believe.
(RH September 16, 1909, 11)
My brethren and sisters who claim to believe the truth for this time, let the books of heaven record of you a righteous zeal; let it be said there, as God views your self-denying, self-sacrificing works, that you are laborers together with God. I speak to all, lay members as well as ministers: Be laborers together with God. Let humility be cultivated. Christ will be your efficiency if you will look unto him, the Author and Finisher of your faith.
(RH September 16, 1909, 12)