From August 4-13 Mrs. E. G. White and her party were entertained at the Hinsdale Sanitarium. The main building and all the cottages were full at the time of our visit, but just across the road a beautiful residence was vacant, its occupants having gone for a few weeks’ outing, and Dr. David Paulson secured for us the privilege of occupying this residence during our stay in Hinsdale.
(RH December 30, 1909, 1)
Sabbath and Sunday, August 7 and 8, were spent at the Elgin camp-meeting. There Mrs. White met many old friends, and spoke to large congregations each day. Wednesday afternoon, August 11, she spoke to a full house in the South Side Chicago Church. She spoke four times to the helpers and patients at Hinsdale.
(RH December 30, 1909, 2)
Work was being hastened on the large new building, which will double the size of the Hinsdale Sanitarium. There is a company of earnest and faithful workers in the institution, some of whom are in training for foreign fields. Mrs. White took a deep interest in the work of the sanitarium and its allied institutions. Besides the main building, she visited the Good Samaritan Inn and the Life Boat Rescue Home. To the workers in the home she said:
(RH December 30, 1909, 3)
“It gives me great pleasure to know that there are some who are carrying forward such a work as is being done here. If we see those who have been unfortunate in falling under the power of the enemy of souls, we are not to push them out into the darkness, but we should help them to find a connection with Christ. Those who are united in this work will see that the Lord will bless the efforts put forth in kindness and tenderness. He would have us claim the promises that are found in his Word. For those who have sinned and have made mistakes, there is a Christ to pardon and forgive. Let us lift him up as the Redeemer of mankind.
(RH December 30, 1909, 4)
“Why did Christ come to this world? He saw that humanity was separated from divinity. Therefore he laid aside the glory he had in heaven, and came to this world to unite in himself divinity and humanity. With his divinity he could grasp the throne of the Infinite, while with his humanity he could reach fallen man. It is by our humanity laying hold upon his divinity that we can be saved. We thereby become ‘partakers of the divine nature.’”
(RH December 30, 1909, 5)
Friday morning, August 13, the physicians and heads of departments gathered at the cottage where Mrs. White was staying, and she said to them:
(RH December 30, 1909, 6)
“The opportunities which you possess here seem favorable for the carrying forward of the medical missionary work as God would have it. If the workers will faithfully act their part, angels of God will make impressions of truth upon the hearts of those who come here. It is not by chance that this work was taken out of the city of Chicago. Our medical institutions can not work to the best advantage in the cities. From the instruction I have received, I counsel our brethren, wherever possible, to locate in the country. These large cities will soon be visited with the judgments of God.
(RH December 30, 1909, 7)
“The situation of this sanitarium is a great help in the bringing of many to a knowledge of the truth. In its surroundings I see many advantages. The patients need not suffer from impure air. They can sit outside under the trees, surrounded by the beauties of nature. God has had a purpose in bringing his workers to this place.
(RH December 30, 1909, 8)
“It is not by persistent arguments that souls will be won to a knowledge of the truth. Let the workers manifest in their words and actions the simplicity of true godliness, and heavenly agencies will make the right impression upon the minds of those with whom they associate. Just as surely as we shall walk in humility, honoring God as the one who must convict the heart, we shall see the results of our labor for souls, even in the cities. I have the courage to hope that there will be a greater work done in Chicago than we have yet seen. To those who place themselves in right relation to God it is said, ‘Ye are laborers together with God.’ That assurance is worth everything to us; for if we are in union with God, we have back of us a power that is irresistible.
(RH December 30, 1909, 9)
“Whatever may arise, never be discouraged. The Lord loves us, and he will perform his word. Try to encourage in the patients a trust in God. Bid them be of good courage. Talk hope, even to the last. If they are to die, let them die praising the Lord. He ever lives; and though some of his faithful followers may fall in death, their works will follow them, and theirs will be a joyous awakening in the resurrection morning.
(RH December 30, 1909, 10)
“Let us not be discouraged. Let us not talk doubt, but faith; for faith brings infinite power. If we lay hold upon this power, and do not trust in our own human strength, we shall see the salvation of God. There are many who are hungering and thirsting for a better knowledge of spiritual truths, and it is the privilege of those in this institution to impart to them that which will satisfy their longing.”
(RH December 30, 1909, 11)
Visit to the Madison Sanitarium
Elder C. McReynolds, of the Wisconsin Conference, had requested us to spend Sabbath and Sunday, August 14 and 15, at the Madison Sanitarium. On arriving there we were pleased to find a small camp-meeting on the sanitarium grounds. An appointment had been sent out hastily, and a number had gathered in from near-by churches. There was a full program of meeting each day. Mrs. White remained at the sanitarium for six days, during which time she spoke twice to the brethren assembled from the churches, and three times to the sanitarium family. This was the first time she had visited the Madison (Wis.) Sanitarium. She was much pleased with its beautiful location by the lakeside, and believed it is destined to become a very popular institution.
(RH December 30, 1909, 12)
Monday afternoon, August 16, the helpers assembled in the gymnasium, and Mrs. White addressed them.
(RH December 30, 1909, 13)
“I can not feel free to leave this sanitarium,” she said, “without speaking to you of the necessity of earnestly seeking the Lord. This must be done by the workers in all of our institutions. A position in a sanitarium is a place of great responsibility. You are not to go on in carelessness and indifference, thinking that because this is the Lord's institution, therefore he will work it for you, regardless of your manner of life. Let each one seek for a daily, living experience in the service of God. Unless you have such an experience, patients that come here unconverted will ask why those professing to believe in the binding obligation of God's law, do not walk in obedience to his commandments.
(RH December 30, 1909, 14)
“Now is your time to say, Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, that we may find him. Let us humble ourselves before him, that he may teach us. He can not teach you his way unless you have humility of heart, and are daily converted to his will.
(RH December 30, 1909, 15)
“In our institutions, we should take pains to make everything harmonize with the principles that the Lord has outlined before us in his Word. The work should be educational, preparing the workers for the transfer to the higher courts above. This education is highly essential. Our sanitariums, which are established at large expense, are to be places where character is molded. In them should be laboring a class of people who have especially consecrated themselves to the service of God, and who seek him daily for guidance.
(RH December 30, 1909, 16)
“We should be careful that we connect with all our sanitariums those who will give a right mold to the work. Characters are to be formed here after the divine similitude. It is not the expensive dress that will give us influence, but it is by true Christian humility that we exalt our Saviour. Our only hope for success is doing good to the people of the world who come to our sanitariums as guests, is for the workers, each and every one, to maintain a living connection with God. The dress of sanitarium helpers is to be modest and neat, but the dress is not so important as the deportment. The matter of greatest consequence is that the truth be lived out in our lives, that our words be in harmony with the faith we profess to hold. If the workers in our sanitariums will surrender to God, and take a high position as believers in the truth, the Lord will recognize this, and we shall see a great work done in these institutions.
(RH December 30, 1909, 17)
“It is not the wisest course to connect with our sanitariums too many who are inexperienced, who come as learners, while there is a lack of experienced, efficient workers. We need more matronly women, and men who are sound and solid in principle,—substantial men who fear God and who can carry responsibilities wisely. Some may come and offer to work for small wages, because they enjoy being at a sanitarium, or because they wish to learn, but it is not true economy to supply an institution largely with inexperienced helpers.
(RH December 30, 1909, 18)
“If the right persons are connected with the work, and if all will humble their hearts before God, although there may now be a heavy debt resting upon the institution, the Lord will work in such a way that the debt will be lessened, and souls will be converted to the truth, because they see that the workers are following in the way of the Lord, and keeping his commandments. This is the only hope for the prosperity of our sanitariums. It is useless to think of any other way. We can not expect the blessing of God to rest upon us, if we serve God at will, and let him alone at pleasure.
(RH December 30, 1909, 19)
“It is not necessary that we should cater to the world's demands for pleasure. There are other places in the world where people may find amusement. We need at our sanitariums substantial men and women; we need those who will reveal the simplicity of true godliness.
(RH December 30, 1909, 20)
“When the sick come to our institutions, they should be made to realize that there is a divine power at work, that angels of God are present. I wish to emphasize one point: Do not permit yourselves to wear a sour countenance or a desponding look. There is danger of getting a sour spirit, and of speaking harshly. Remember that you are dealing with invalids, and that invalids watch the countenances of those who are about them. They watch to see if they are going to be spoken to encouragingly or discouragingly.
(RH December 30, 1909, 21)
“Your work is not to be confined to this institution. There are surrounding places where your influence should reach. If this sanitarium is conducted as it should be, its influence will grow. Similar institutions should be established in other places. This is why the Lord is laying upon his people the burden of establishing sanitariums, that his name may be glorified.
(RH December 30, 1909, 22)
“Will you not all put on Christ, not to lay him off again, but to let his Spirit stamp your mind and character? When all in this institution are truly converted, there will be just as surely as wonderful work done as when on the day of Pentecost the disciples received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Lord himself will be with you, to teach and to lead and to guide. You will see of the salvation of God. You may be disheartened at times. Discouragements may arise, but it is your privilege at all times to lay hold of the hope set before you in the gospel. Watch unto prayer. Believe that God will help you to speak words that will cheer and encourage and increase the faith of those with whom you associate.”
(RH December 30, 1909, 23)