The Eastern Colorado Conference held its annual camp-meeting at Boulder, August 26 to September 5. The meeting was held on the Chautauqua grounds, about two miles southwest of the city. Nearly a thousand of our people were in attendance.
(RH January 13, 1910, 1)
Mrs. White and her party reached Boulder Monday evening, August 30, and were entertained during the meeting at the Colorado Sanitarium. Although the camp-meeting was nearly three miles from the sanitarium, the street-cars made it convenient for physicians and teachers, and some of the nurses and helpers, to attend the meeting a part of each day.
(RH January 13, 1910, 2)
Many changes had to come to the Sanitarium and to the Conference in the four years since Mrs. White's last visit. From the Sanitarium Dr. H. F. Rand had gone to California, and Elder F. M. Wilcox to Washington, D. C., and the Conference had been divided, nearly a half of the territory and a fifth of the membership forming the Western Colorado Conference. But the work had grown, as was shown by statistics and by the large camp-meeting.
(RH January 13, 1910, 3)
The Colorado Sanitarium has had many difficulties to face in recent years, but its work has advanced, and at the time of our visit Dr. J. D. Shively, the medical superintendent, and Elder Meade MacGuire, the business manager, with a large corps of nurses and helpers, were exceedingly busy, for the institution was full of patients.
(RH January 13, 1910, 4)
In her address to the workers at the Colorado Sanitarium, Mrs. White said:
(RH January 13, 1910, 5)
“It should be a great satisfaction to you to be in a sanitarium like this, where each one is taught to take part in the work of ministering to others. Let each one seek to do the work as he will wish it had been done when the end of all things shall come. Thus you may have a little heaven here below, and angels of God will work through you to make right impressions upon the minds of those who come as patients and guests to the institution. Christ wants to use you as his servants. Seek to help wherever you can. Cultivate the best dispositions, that the grace of God may rest richly upon you.
(RH January 13, 1910, 6)
“Young and old may learn to look to God as one who will heal, as one who sympathizes, who understands all their necessities, and who will never make a mistake. Your humanity may lay hold of the divinity of Christ by living faith, and you may learn to carry out in this institution the principles of heaven. This will make you a blessing to all around you.
(RH January 13, 1910, 7)
“Put away all that would hinder you from reaching the high standard set for you in the Word of God. Do not foster a spirit of jealousy or evil surmising or anything that would grieve the Spirit of God. There are those who have this evil in their natures, but if they retain it, Satan will work through them to spoil the influence of this sanitarium. We can not afford to have any such work carried on here. Every worker must stand on the platform of eternal truth. In manifesting a spirit of jealousy, we reveal a characteristic of Satan. We can not afford to harbor one desire that has its origin in him.
(RH January 13, 1910, 8)
“We are seeking for the life that measures with the life of God; therefore our natures must be brought into conformity with the will of God. We must so conduct our life-work that we can go to God in confidence and open our hearts to him, telling him our necessities, and believing that he hears, and will give us grace and strength to carry out the principles of the Word of God. What we want is heaven, the victor's crown, an entrance through the gates to the city of God, the right to eat of the tree of life that is in the midst of the paradise of God. We want to see the King in his beauty. Then let us daily keep our eyes fixed upon Christ, the perfection of human character, and laying hold of his divine nature, we shall have the strength of divinity to overcome every evil tendency and desire.
(RH January 13, 1910, 9)
“Christ came to earth to suffer and to die that we might lay hold on eternal life. He gave himself that we might be partakers of the divine nature, and overcome the corruption that is in the world through lust. The Lord bids us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. If we perfect a Christian character, we must put away from our lives every evil thing. When we are truly converted to God, we shall hate the things that separate us from him.
(RH January 13, 1910, 10)
“Christ desires to give to all at his coming the crown of life. I pray that we who are gathered here today may be among those who at that time will greet him with joy, saying, ‘Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”
(RH January 13, 1910, 11)
Sabbath, September 4, had been looked forward to as the great day of the meeting; but early in the morning it began to rain, and during the day there was a great downpour. It was estimated that two inches of rain fell in twenty-four hours. Several tents were blown down, and a few were flooded. But most of the tents were on a high ground, and many of the campers were in the Chautauqua Assembly Cottages.
(RH January 13, 1910, 12)
The large congregation, assembled in the Great Chautauqua Auditorium, were sheltered from the storm, but the roar of the heavy rain on the roof made it difficult for them to hear the speaker.
(RH January 13, 1910, 13)
When meeting time came, the street-cars were unable to run. But a carriage brought Mrs. White to the ground, and she spoke to the people, many of whom left the back seats and stood crowded close to the platform. After reading the seventeenth chapter of John and portions of the first and second chapters of Acts, she said:
(RH January 13, 1910, 14)
“My brethren and sisters, we are not half awake. We do not half appreciate the precious time that is passing into eternity. We do not realize the value of the souls for whom Christ gave his precious life. We need to put on the robe of Christ's righteousness and work in harmony with him, in harmony with his ministers, in harmony with all who truly believe the truth for this time.
(RH January 13, 1910, 15)
“Many are clinging to their old habits and practises, and some are even denying Christ as Peter did. These lose the blessing that they would have at every step if they would follow on to know the Lord. Let us press together. It is no time now for us to quarrel among ourselves, no time to draw apart. Let us not thus counterwork the work that God is seeking to do for us and through us. We need the cementing power of the Holy Spirit to come upon this people.
(RH January 13, 1910, 16)
“God has a work for his people to do for the world, and if they will work in harmony with one another and with heaven, he will demonstrate his power in their behalf as he did for his first disciples on the day of Pentecost. Those days in which the disciples prepared themselves by prayer and putting away of all disunion, brought them into such close relation to God that he could work for them and through them in a marvelous manner. Today God desires to accomplish great things through the faith and works of his believing people. But we need to stand in right relation to God, that we may understand his voice when he speaks to us.
(RH January 13, 1910, 17)
“As a people we have had great light and many privileges, yet we are lacking in advanced spirituality. Every sanitarium, every institution in our ranks, should stand forth as a representative of the living principles of truth. In every department of their work, God's glory and the advancement of his kingdom should be the first consideration. Our medical institutions should stand where the glory of God can be clearly revealed through them. It used to be so in the beginning of our work, when the sanitarium was first established at Battle Creek. Now we have sanitariums in many places. An important question to be considered is, What kind of men and women shall those be who occupy positions of more or less responsibility in these institutions? They should be those whose daily lives emit the light of truth, who with sanctified tongues speak only those words that will prove a blessing to others. If the work is done that God desires to see accomplished as the result of the establishment of our sanitarium work, we shall see in these institutions workers who give evidence that they are converted. We must have workers wholly surrendered to God.
(RH January 13, 1910, 18)
“Time is passing, and souls are perishing for lack of the truth. Let the light shine forth from our sanitariums in clear, distinct rays. May the God of Israel impress upon the hearts and minds of our people the sacredness and the importance of the work to be done. If men and women will co-operate with God with all the powers of their being consecrated to him, they will stand as ministers of righteousness to their fellow men.
(RH January 13, 1910, 19)
“I know the burdens that many of our sanitariums carry, and I am instructed to say to those in positions of responsibility in these institutions, Let every influence be of such a character as will draw with Christ. Then the sick will understand that Christ is there. Let the meek and lowly Jesus be represented, in the dress of the workers, in the words they speak, in the spirit they manifest.
(RH January 13, 1910, 20)
“The blessing of God is waiting to come in large measure upon the workers in the Colorado Sanitarium. I have seen angels of God hovering, hovering, hovering over the workers there. Let none who are there refuse to be converted. Let none feel too important to come under discipline to God. Let the workers understand that they are responsible to God to see that the best influence is exerted in this institution, that the salvation of God may be revealed. The Lord desires to see each one acting his part intelligently as a laborer together with him, that the light of heaven may come into our institutions, and a wonderful work be done.
(RH January 13, 1910, 21)
“Instruction was given me in the night season that I must bear a decided message to this people. You greatly need to experience a deeper heart work. It is your privilege to receive more of the Spirit of God, as you engage in fasting and earnest prayer. You need to accept the promises and assurances of God and walk out on them in faith. You need to learn how to present the truths of the Word to those around you in all their binding force and in all their encouragement, that the unconverted may feel the influence of the Spirit of God upon heart and mind and character.
(RH January 13, 1910, 22)
“May God bless you, my brethren and sisters. My heart is drawn out in tenderness and love for you. You are a large company here. Will you not consecrate yourselves to God? We invite you to come to Jesus, to believe in him, and receive from him the outpouring of his Holy Spirit. He will give you this, if you ask in faith believing. Then work in harmony with him to disseminate truth. If you will seek individually to answer in your lives Christ's prayer for his disciples, you will follow on to know the Lord. This is not like the fading strength and glory of the setting sun, but like the morning, the rising sun, which is ever increasing in warmth and light and power.”
(RH January 13, 1910, 23)