From age to age the Lord has been striving to awaken in the minds of men a sense of brotherhood. Thus he seeks to establish order and harmony in the world. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,”—this is the message his children are to proclaim by lives of unselfish endeavor.
(RH July 21, 1910, 1)
It is upon Christlike love that brotherhood depends. Without this love nothing can be done toward fulfilling God's purpose for humanity. Without it all effort is without avail. Paul declares: “If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.... And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.... Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away.... But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”
(RH July 21, 1910, 2)
In the life of Christ this love found perfect expression. He loved us in our sin and degradation. He reached to the very depths of woe to uplift the erring sons and daughters of earth. There was no wearying of his patience, no lessening of his zeal. The waves of mercy, beaten back by proud, impenitent, unthankful hearts, ever returned in a stronger tide of love.
(RH July 21, 1910, 3)
He who is constrained by the love of Christ, goes forth among his fellow men to help the helpless and encourage the desponding, to point sinners to God's ideal for his children, and to lead them to him who alone can enable them to reach this ideal. Divested of selfishness and filled with divine benevolence and tender affection, Christians are drawn out to work for Christ by helping those for whom he gave his life. They hold communion with the Saviour, and his love is revealed in all they do and say. Angry words die unspoken. Unchristlike actions are checked. God accepts such ones as his instruments, and through them works for the fulfilling of his purpose.
(RH July 21, 1910, 4)
Never are we to be cold and unsympathetic, especially when dealing with the poor. Courtesy, sympathy, and compassion are to be shown to all. Partiality for the wealthy is displeasing to God. Jesus is slighted when his needy children are slighted. They are not rich in this world's goods, but they are dear to his heart of love. God recognizes no distinction of rank. With him there is no caste. In his sight, men are simply men, good or bad. In the day of final reckoning, position, rank, or wealth will not alter by a hair's breadth the case of any one. By the all-seeing God, men will be judged by what they are in purity, in nobility, in love for Christ.
(RH July 21, 1910, 5)
God lets his sun shine on the just and on the unjust. This sun represents Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, who shines on all alike, high and low, rich and poor. This principle is to guide those who work for him. From it no one can deviate, and be successful in his efforts to help his fellow beings.
(RH July 21, 1910, 6)
Christ declared that the gospel is to be preached to the poor. Never does God's truth put on an aspect of greater loveliness than when brought to the needy and destitute. Then it is that the light of the gospel shines forth in its most radiant clearness, lighting up the hut of the peasant and the rude cottage of the laborer. Angels of God are there, and their presence makes the crust of bread and the cup of water a banquet. Those who have been neglected and abandoned by the world are raised to be sons and daughters of the Most High. Lifted above any position that earth can give, they sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. They may have no earthly treasure, but they have found the pearl of great price.
(RH July 21, 1910, 7)
The triumph of Christianity is dependent upon the influence of its adherents. Manfully the Christian is to fight the good fight of faith. Lawfully he is to strive, never relaxing his efforts, day by day seeking for greater power to help those around him. His words are to be right words, pure and true, fraught with sympathy and love; his actions, right actions, a help and blessing to the weak. Never is he to grow weary in his work. He will meet with trials, but he must always be brave and cheerful, bringing joy and courage into other lives.
(RH July 21, 1910, 8)