The conversion of Saul was marked with heartfelt repentance, thorough confession, and an earnest longing for pardon of sin. Prior to his conversion, Saul had been proud and self-confident; now he was bowed down with sorrow and shame; he abhorred himself because of the suffering he had brought upon the disciples of Jesus. In the light of the revelation that had come to him, he began to see himself as the chief of sinners.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 1)
Saul yielded himself fully to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. With eyes anointed by the grace of God, he saw the mistakes of his life, and recognized the far-reaching claims of the law of God. He who had been a proud Pharisee, confident that he was justified by his good works, now bowed before God with the humility and simplicity of a little child, confessing his own unworthiness, and pleading the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour. Saul longed to come into full harmony and communion with the Father and the Son; and in the intensity of his desire for pardon, he offered up fervent supplications to the throne of grace.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 2)
The prayers of the penitent Pharisee were not in vain. The inmost thoughts and emotions of his sin-corrupted heart were transformed by divine grace. The nobler faculties of the soul were brought into harmony with the eternal purposes of God. Christ and his righteousness became to Saul more than the whole world.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 3)
The conversion of Saul is a striking evidence of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit to convict a man of the error of his way. Saul had verily believed that Jesus of Nazareth had disregarded the law of God, and had taught the disciples that it was now of no effect. But at the time of his conversion, Saul recognized Jesus as the divine One who had come into the world for the express purpose of vindicating his Father's law. Saul was convinced that Jesus was the originator of the entire Jewish system of sacrifices. He saw that at the time of the crucifixion, type had met antitype; in Jesus had been fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Redeemer of Israel.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 4)
Jesus, whose name above all others Saul had most hated and despised, revealed himself to Saul for the purpose of arresting him in his mad career, and of making, from this most unpromising subject, a powerful instrumentality by which to bear the gospel to the Gentiles. When Saul perceived that in opposing Jesus of Nazareth he had been arraying himself against the Messiah, he was overwhelmed with horror, and in the agony of his soul he cried out, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Jesus did not at once tell him of the work that had been assigned him, but sent him for instruction to the very disciples who had been so bitterly persecuted.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 5)
The marvelous light that illuminated the darkness of Saul was the work of the Lord; but there was also a work that was to be done for him by the disciples of Christ. The answer to Saul's question was, “Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.” Jesus sent the inquiring Jew to his church, to obtain from them a knowledge of his duty. Christ had performed the work of revelation and conviction; and now the penitent was in a condition to learn of those whom God had ordained to teach his truth.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 6)
While Saul in solitude continued in prayer and supplication at the home of Judas, the Lord appeared in vision to “a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias,” telling him that Saul of Tarsus was praying, and in need of help. “Arise,” the heavenly messenger bade Ananias, “and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, and hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.”
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 7)
Ananias could scarcely credit the words of the angel messenger; for the reports of Saul's bitter persecution of the saints at Jerusalem had spread far and near. He presumed to expostulate. “Lord,” he answered, “I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem. And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name.” But the command to Ananias was imperative: “Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.”
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 8)
The disciple, obedient to the direction of the angel, sought out the man who had but recently breathed out threatenings against all who believed on the name of Jesus. Putting his hands on the head of the penitent sufferer, Ananias said: “Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 9)
“And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales; and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.”
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 10)
Many have an idea that they are responsible to Christ alone for their light and experience, independently of his recognized followers on earth. But in the history of the conversion of Saul, important principles are given us, which we should ever bear in mind. He was brought directly into the presence of Christ. He was one whom Christ intended for a most important work, one who was to be a “chosen vessel” unto him; yet the Lord did not immediately impart to him the lessons of truth. He arrested his course and convicted him; but when asked by him, “What wilt thou have me to do?” the Saviour placed him in connection with his church, and let them direct him what to do.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 11)
Thus Jesus gave sanction to the authority of his organized church, and placed Saul in connection with his representatives on earth. All blessings flow from Christ, but he had now established a church as his representative on earth, and to it belonged the work of directing the repentant sinner in the way of life.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 12)
Jesus is the friend of sinners; his heart is touched by their woe; he has all power, both in heaven and upon earth; but he respects the means that he has ordained for the enlightenment and salvation of men; he directs sinners to the church, which he has made a channel of light to the world.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 13)
Saul was a learned teacher in Israel; but when in the midst of his blind error and prejudice, he is given a revelation of the Christ whom he is persecuting, he is placed in direct communication with the church, which is the light of the world. In this case Ananias represents Christ, and also represents Christ's ministers upon earth, who are appointed to act in his stead. In Christ's stead, Ananias places his hands upon him, and, praying in Christ's name, Saul receives the Holy Ghost. All is done in the name and by the authority of Christ. Christ is the foundation; the church is the channel of communication.
(RH March 23, 1911, Art. A, 14)
A Study of Principles—No. 3
Warning Against Extreme Views D. E. Robinson EGW
In some of the communications from Mrs. White early in 1895, there are found warnings and cautions against the danger of adopting wrong principles, and accepting extreme views in studying the principles of religious liberty.
(RH March 23, 1911, 1)
In teaching the separation of church and state, some had urged that to be consistent in our dealings with the government, we should insist upon paying taxes on our church and sanitarium properties, even though these might be by law exempt from taxation.
(RH March 23, 1911, 2)
It was also maintained and strongly urged in the American Sentinel that our brethren in South Africa would violate right principles if they were to accept from the British South African Company a gift of land that had been offered to them for mission purposes by Cecil Rhodes. It was stated that those missionaries who had accepted such grants had “sold themselves for a mess of African pottage,” and it was felt that the General Conference should insist upon paying for the land.
(RH March 23, 1911, 3)
When these propositions were brought to the attention of Mrs. White, she wrote the following, expressing her disapproval of the positions taken:
(RH March 23, 1911, 4)
“Solemn, serious times are upon us, and perplexities will increase to the very close of time. There may be a little respite in these matters, but it will not be for long. I have letters to write that must go in the next mail to Battle Creek. Our brethren there are not looking at everything in the right light. The movements they have made to pay taxes on the property of the sanitarium and Tabernacle have manifested a zeal and conscientiousness that in all respects is not wise nor correct. Their ideas of religious liberty are being woven with suggestions that do not come from the Holy Spirit, and the religious liberty cause is sickening, and its sickness can only be healed by the grace and gentleness of Christ.
(RH March 23, 1911, 5)
“The hearts of those who advocate this cause must be filled with the Spirit of Jesus. The Great Physician alone can apply the balm of Gilead. Let these men read the book of Nehemiah with humble hearts touched by the Holy Spirit, and their false ideas will be modified, and correct principles will be seen, and the present order of things will be changed. Nehemiah prayed to God for help, and God heard his prayer. The Lord moved upon heathen kings to come to his help. When his enemies zealously worked against him, the Lord worked through kings to carry out his purpose, and to answer the many prayers which were ascending to him for the help which they so much needed.
(RH March 23, 1911, 6)
Extreme Positions
“I am often greatly distressed when I see our leading men taking extreme positions, and burdening themselves over matters that should not be taken up nor worried over, but left in the hands of God for him to adjust. We are yet in the world, and God keeps for us a place in connection with the world, and works by his own right hand to prepare the way before us, in order that his work may progress along its various lines. The truth is to have a standing- place, and the standard of truth is to be uplifted in many places in regions beyond.
(RH March 23, 1911, 7)
“Be sure that God has not laid upon those who remain away from the foreign fields of labor, the burden of criticizing the ones on the ground where the work is being done. Those who are not sent to mission fields know little about the necessities of the situation, and if they can not say anything to help those who are on the ground, let them not hinder, but show their wisdom by the eloquence of silence, and attend to the work that is close at hand. I protest against the zeal that they manifest when they ventilate their ideas about foreign fields of labor, for it is not according to knowledge.
(RH March 23, 1911, 8)
“Let the Lord work with the men who are in the mission fields, and let those who are not on the ground walk humbly with God, lest they get out of their place, and lose their bearings. The Lord has not placed the burden of criticizing the work upon those who have taken this burden, and he does not give them the sanction of his Holy Spirit. Many move according to their own human judgment, and zealously seek to adjust things that God has not placed in their hands. Just as long as we are in the world, we shall have to do a special work for the world; the message of warning is to go to all countries, and tongues, and peoples.
(RH March 23, 1911, 9)
“The Lord does not move upon his workers to make them take a course which will bring on the time of trouble before the time. Let them not build up a wall of separation between themselves and the world by advancing their own ideas and notions. There is now altogether too much of this throughout our borders. The message of warning has not reached large numbers of the world, in the very cities that are right at hand, and to number Israel is not to work after God's order. Just as long as we are in this world, and the Spirit of God is striving with the world, we are to receive as well as to impart favors. We are to give to the world the light of truth as presented in the Sacred Scriptures, and we are to receive from the world that which God moves upon them to do in behalf of his cause.
(RH March 23, 1911, 10)
“The Lord still moves upon the hearts of kings and rulers in behalf of his people, and it becomes those who are so deeply interested in the religious liberty question not to cut off any favors, or withdraw themselves from the help that God has moved men to give for the advancement of his cause. We find examples in the Word of God concerning this very matter.
(RH March 23, 1911, 11)
“Cyrus, king of Persia, made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it into writing, saying: ‘Thus saith Cyrus, king of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his peoples? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel.’ A second commandment was issued by Darius for the building of the house of the Lord, and is recorded in the sixth chapter of Ezra.
(RH March 23, 1911, 12)
“The Lord God of Israel has placed his goods in the hands of unbelievers, and they are to be used to help in the accomplishment of the work that must be done for a fallen world. The agents through whom these gifts come may open up avenues through which the truth may go. They may have no sympathy with the work, and no faith in Christ, and no practise in his words; but their gifts are not to be refused on that account.
(RH March 23, 1911, 13)
“It is very strange that some of our brethren should feel that it is their duty to bring about a condition of things that would bind up the means that God would have set free. God has not laid upon them the responsibility of coming in conflict with the authorities and powers of the world in this matter. The withstraining [restraining] hand of God has not been withdrawn from the earth. Let the leaders in the work bide their time, hide in Christ, and move and work with great wisdom. Let them be as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves. I have repeatedly been shown that we might receive far more favors than we do in many ways if we would approach men in wisdom, acquaint them with our work, and give them an opportunity of doing those things which it is our privilege to induce them to do for the advancement of the work of God.” (January 31, 1895.)
(RH March 23, 1911, 14)
Receiving Gifts
“Who is it that owns our world? Who is the real owner of houses and lands? Is it not God? He has an abundance in our world which he has placed in the hands of men by which the hungry might be supplied with food, the naked with clothing, the homeless with homes. The Lord would move upon worldly men, even idolaters, to give of their abundance for the support of the work, if we would approach them wisely, and give them an opportunity of doing those things which it is their privilege to do. What they would give we should be privileged to receive.
(RH March 23, 1911, 15)
“We should become acquainted with men in high places, and by exercising the wisdom of the serpent, and the harmlessness of the dove, we might obtain advantages from them; for God would move upon their minds to do many things in behalf of his people. If proper persons would set before those who have means and influence the needs of the work of God in a proper light, these men might do much to advance the cause of God in our world. We have put away from us privileges and advantages that we might have had the benefit of, because we chose to stand independent of the world. But we need not sacrifice one principle of truth while taking advantage of every opportunity to advance the cause of God.
(RH March 23, 1911, 16)
“The Lord would have his people in the world, but not of the world. They should seek to bring the truth before the men in high places, and give them a fair chance to receive and weigh evidence. There are many who are unenlightened and uninformed, and as individuals we have a serious, solemn, wise work to do. We are to have travail of soul for those who are in high places, and go to them with the gracious invitation to come to the marriage feast. Very much more might have been done than has been done for those in high places. The last message that Christ gave to his disciples before he was parted from them, and taken up into heaven, was a message to carry the gospel to all the world, and was accompanied by the promise of the Holy Spirit. The Lord said, ‘Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’
(RH March 23, 1911, 17)
“‘The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.’‘The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.’‘Every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.’” (Reprinted from Special Testimonies to Ministers and Workers 3:32-35, 29, 30.)
(RH March 23, 1911, 18)