There is an earnest work of preparation to be done by Seventh-day Adventists if they would stand firm in the trying experiences just before them. If they remain true to God in the confusion and temptation of the last days, they must seek the Lord in humility of heart for wisdom to resist the deceptions of the enemy. At this time every believer in present truth should stand identified as a laborer together with God.
(RH September 28, 1911, 1)
Ever are we to keep in mind the solemn thought of the Lord's soon return, and in view of this to recognize the individual work to be done. Through the aid of the Holy Spirit we are to resist natural inclinations and tendencies to wrong, and weed out of the life every unchristlike element. Thus we shall prepare our hearts for the reception of God's blessing, which will impart to us grace, and bring us into harmony with the faith of Jesus. For this work of preparation great advantages have been granted to this people, in light bestowed, in messages of warning and instruction, sent through the agency of the Spirit of God.
(RH September 28, 1911, 2)
Because of the increasing power of Satan's temptations, the times in which we live are full of peril for the children of God, and we need to learn constantly of the Great Teacher, that we may take every step in surety and righteousness. Wonderful scenes are opening before us, and at this time a living testimony is to be borne in the lives of God's professing people, so that the world may see that in this age when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God's will,—a people in whose hearts and lives the law of God is written. There are strong temptations before us, sharp tests. The commandment-keeping people of God are to prepare for this time of trial by obtaining a deeper experience in the things of God and a practical knowledge of the righteousness of Christ.
(RH September 28, 1911, 3)
In the night season I heard words spoken, reproving the speech and deportment of those who indulge in trifling words and careless actions. The Lord is not pleased with the careless speech, the frivolous words that come so often from lips professing to serve him. His Spirit is grieved that those who are called by his name do not perfect his righteousness in their words. The righteous judgments of God will not spare the trifler. The people who have had great light will not be excused if they neglect to give, by a godly example, the light of truth to those with whom they associate.
(RH September 28, 1911, 4)
Not to unbelievers only, but to church members the words are spoken, “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.” With the light that has come to him, the believer has serious responsibilities placed upon him. He must not allow trifles to lead him to neglect the religion of Christ.
(RH September 28, 1911, 5)
It is dangerous for us to subordinate matters of eternal interest to the common affairs of life. “Enter ye in at the strait gate,” the Saviour declares, “for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
(RH September 28, 1911, 6)
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
(RH September 28, 1911, 7)
What can I say to you, my brethren and sisters, that will arouse you to the importance of the times in which we live, and lead you to a faithful examination of heart and life? Are your lives in harmony with the life of sacrifice that Christ lived on the earth? In giving his Son to the human race, the Father gave to his church a wonderful example of self-forgetting love. Christ came that he might open to the comprehension of men and women the principles that underlie the great plan of redemption, that they might be led to cooperate with him in his work of sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. But the want of fervor, the lack of self-denial, on the part of many who bear Christ's name, hinder the doing of the very work for which his church on earth was organized. The selfishness and indifference manifested by professing Christians soothes the consciences of many who would be aroused from their unbelief, had they before them in the lives of professing Christians, a living witness to the power of the gospel to transform the character.
(RH September 28, 1911, 8)
Self-sacrifice is the key-note of Christ's teachings. Often this is enjoined upon believers in language that seems authoritative, because there is no other way to save men than to cut them away from their life of selfishness. Christ gave, in his life on earth, a true representation of the power of the gospel. He suffered the cruel death on the cross, that we might have a true conception of his love for us, and of the spirit of self-sacrifice that must take possession of every believer in him. He became poor that we through his poverty might be made rich. To every soul who will suffer with him in resistance of sin, in labor for his cause, in self-denial for the good of others, he promises a part in the eternal reward of the righteous. Through the exercise of the spirit that characterized his life-work, we are to become partakers of his nature. Partaking in this life of sacrifice for the sake of others, we shall share with him in the life to come the “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
(RH September 28, 1911, 9)
Angels marvel that those who have so long had the light of truth are so slow in bearing it to the dark places of the earth. There are many calls from unworked fields. From many lands the call is sounding, Come over and help us. Shall we not do our part to make it possible to respond to these calls? Shall we not give freely of our means to plant the standard of truth in new territory? There are some who are doing their utmost to aid the work of missions; but there are many who seem indifferent to the claims that God makes upon them for unselfish service. Shall we not at this time study ways by which we can save for the cause of God? Much can be accomplished by small acts of self-denial. While our sisters should dress becomingly, they should, in their expenditure of means in this respect, seek to represent the simplicity of Christ.
(RH September 28, 1911, 10)
Let every unnecessary expense be avoided. Bring the tithes into the storehouse, and let free-will offerings be made. In this way those who can not go as missionaries to foreign lands may act their part toward saving many who are perishing in the darkness of heathenism. When men and women are truly converted, they will not only be willing, but anxious to have a part in the saving of the lost.
(RH September 28, 1911, 11)
Christ's life on earth was an object-lesson of the spirit that must possess those who would be faithful stewards of the grace of Christ. He traveled long distances that he might give temporal and spiritual blessings to those who needed both. He supplied the physical and spiritual needs of the multitudes who followed him. It is our privilege to unite with Christ in his work of mercy and benevolence. The weary and heavy laden are to be relieved by the message of truth. All who will humble their hearts before him and be converted, the Lord will use in his great purpose of salvation.
(RH September 28, 1911, 12)
Never was there a time when it was more important that men and women discern present duty, nor a time when decisive action was more greatly needed, than now. My brethren and sisters, withhold not from God at this time that for which he is asking. Let your daily lives witness to the faith you profess. Do not feel that you must follow every prevailing fashion, but dress plainly and neatly; deny self that money may flow into the treasury for the advancement of the message.
(RH September 28, 1911, 13)
When the eternal welfare of others means more to us than our present ease and enjoyment, we shall sacrifice in order to advance the work of God. The great object of Christ's mission—the salvation of perishing souls—will urge us to self-denial and sacrifice.
(RH September 28, 1911, 14)
My brethren and sisters, your gold and silver is needed to carry the work effectively in the large cities. Will you not deny yourselves of needless things, and use the means thus saved for the progress of the work? The Lord will be pleased to see you moved to acts of self-denial; for thus you will show yourselves laborers together with him at this time when new doors are opening to the message. It was a most costly sacrifice that the Lord of heaven made in our behalf. His divine benevolence was stirred to its depths that the blessings lost to man by the fall might be restored. And “he that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
(RH September 28, 1911, 15)
Upon every believer in present truth God has laid a work. This last message of warning is to be given in all our cities, large and small. This message is to be revived in the hearts of believers, that they may go forth to publish its warnings and instruction throughout the land. The evidences that have been given of the truthfulness of this message are to be repeated with power. Medical missionaries are to go forth; workers in every line are to proclaim, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.”
(RH September 28, 1911, 16)
I am instructed to say to believers everywhere, Find your place. Do not stand questioning, but take hold of the work that you see waiting to be done. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,” is Christ's commission to his followers today; and, he says, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” I am thankful that some are being led out to work with intensity for the extension of the message of truth. I pray that their zeal may be tempered with wisdom, that the spirit of kindness and of consideration for the rights and privileges of others may be manifest in all their efforts.
(RH September 28, 1911, 17)
Great is the need of consecrated workers who will bear to the world a living testimony of the truth and its power to transform the life. O for men who will stand in their lot and place to do the work that is essential to be done in giving the message to mankind! Soon we must render to God an account of the deeds done in the body. There is much earnest work to do. My brethren and sisters, proclaim the message of warning for this time, and show the blessedness resulting from obedience to all of God's commandments.
(RH September 28, 1911, 18)