April 11, 1912
The Need of Missionary Effort
With every age God's plan deepens and widens to embrace the world. God's instrumentalities, his light-bearers, are to adjust their movements to his progressive plans. They are to embrace new territory. The churches are to be wide-awake, moving with the force of Omnipotence because they move in harmony with God's purpose. A spirit of greater devotion must be shown by the churches. They must labor with greater zeal for the promulgation of the last message to be given to the world. They are to seize every opportunity for blessing a world in darkness. (RH April 11, 1912, 1)
Missions at home and missions abroad demand far greater consideration than has been given them. While the church, in comparison with the past years, has made some advance, yet in comparison with what she should be, in comparison with the great sacrifice made in Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary, she is far behind in the greatest work ever given to mortals. (RH April 11, 1912, 2)
Christ came to our world to teach us the importance of missionary effort. The world was his field of missionary toil. He came from heaven to take his position at the head of a fallen race. Humanity and divinity united in order that all might be done that was essential for the complete recovery of sinners. The reproach of indolence will never be wiped away from the church till every one who believes the truth is willing to labor as did the self-sacrificing Redeemer. (RH April 11, 1912, 3)
Christ's work is an example to all who go forth as missionaries. It is the model for all missionary endeavor. It calls for unreserved surrender, for the consecration of time and talents. It demands that we return to God the goods he has entrusted to us, with the interest that has come to us as we have traded upon them. All is to be put into the cause to advance the work Christ came into this world to do. (RH April 11, 1912, 4)
It is impossible for the man who believes in Christ to see the work that needs to be done, and yet do nothing. Daily we are to receive from heaven the healing balm of God's grace to impart to the needy and suffering. Christ's followers are to learn of the woes of the poor in their immediate vicinity, and seek to bring them relief. Those who have a dark and disagreeable life are the very ones whom we should bid to hope because Christ is their Saviour. Are there not those who can go from house to house, from family to family, and repeat the A B C of true Christian experience? (RH April 11, 1912, 5)
Let Christ be your text. In all your labor, let it appear that you know Jesus. Present his purity and saving grace, so that those for whom you labor may, by beholding, be changed into the divine image. The chain that is let down from the throne of God is long enough to reach to the lowest depths of sin. Hold up a sin-pardoning Saviour before the lost and lonely, for Jesus has made divine intercession in their behalf. He is able to lift them from the pit of sin, that they may be acknowledged as the children of God, heirs with Christ to an immortal inheritance. They may have the life that measures with the life of God. (RH April 11, 1912, 6)
If all would work in Christ's lines, much would be done to change the conditions that now exist among the poor and distressed. Pure and undefiled religion would shine forth as a bright light. It would induce its advocates to go forth into the highways and byways of life. It would lead them to help the suffering near by, and enable them to go forth into the wilderness to seek and to save the lost. (RH April 11, 1912, 7)
We need men who will become leaders in home and foreign missionary enterprises,—men whose sympathies are not congealed, but whose hearts go out to the perishing. The ice that surrounds souls needs to be melted, that every believer may realize that he is his brother's keeper. Then men and women will go forth to help their neighbors see the truth and serve God with acceptable service. (RH April 11, 1912, 8)
In helplessness and disappointment men and women are fighting the battles of life, and the Lord designs that as his sons and daughters we shall help one another. This is to be a part of our Christian experience. Who is your neighbor?—The one who most needs your help. Your brother, sick in spirit, needs the experience of one who has been as weak as himself, one who can sympathize with him and help him. Let it not be that the sympathetic chords, which should be quick to vibrate at the least touch, shall be unresponsive. (RH April 11, 1912, 9)
O, what treasures of wisdom are to be opened up for the view of the world! Every divine resource is placed at the disposal of man in order that he may become a colaborer with God. Nothing has been withheld. When God gave his only begotten Son to our world, he gave all the treasures of heaven. What power, what glory, was revealed in the life of Christ! In his name I ask, Why is it that with his power at their command, God's people do not awake to their duty? Why do they not do the work that the time demands, first giving themselves and then their talents of means and ability for the enlightenment and salvation of those who are in darkness? (RH April 11, 1912, 10)
The work is fast closing, and on every side wickedness is increasing. We have but a short time in which to labor. God is not willing that any should perish. He has provided abundant means for the salvation of all who accept him. The Lord pities that part of his vineyard which has not been worked. His heart of mercy is filled with compassion for the thousands who are in ignorance of the truth. He is sparing the world, that increased light may come to it. Why do not those to whom God has committed great light move out into new places? They will have to do this, whether they wish to or not; for God will scatter them into many places. If God's people had gone forth as they should, giving the invitation to others, many souls would have been added to the church. (RH April 11, 1912, 11)
The world is looking on with gratification at the disunion among Christians. Infidelity is well pleased. God calls for a change among his people. Agents of mercy are needed, not merely in a few places, but throughout the world. Men and women in this field should be preparing for service in distant lands. From every country is heard the cry, Come over and help us! Rich and poor are calling for light. Money and workers are needed. (RH April 11, 1912, 12)
We need to humble ourselves before God because so few of the members of his church are putting forth efforts that in any wise compare with the efforts that the Lord desires them to put forth. The privileges he has given them, the promises he has made, the advantages he has bestowed, should inspire them with far greater zeal and devotion. (RH April 11, 1912, 13)
We need the vitalizing power of his Spirit,—the strong cry of a church travailing to bring forth souls. There is need of more earnest wrestling with God for the impartation of his Holy Spirit. Eager, earnest, importunate prayer is needed. There is efficiency in prayer. In answer to fervent prayer, God can turn the thoughts and hearts of men as he turns the water of the sea. (RH April 11, 1912, 14)
God forbid that our churches and institutions shall be content to leave untouched the fields still unworked. The Saviour is saying to us, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” We are to teach them,—not merely to preach a discourse now and then, but teach them how to find the way to heaven. (RH April 11, 1912, 15)
In every age, but never so much as now, this has been the work of the church. Dare any one withhold a jot of the influence that should be exerted for the recovery of the souls that are out of Christ? Dare we work out our ambitious projects and satisfy our selfish desires, and then bring to God's altar the fraction that remains of our time and our means? Think you that God will accept such an offering? (RH April 11, 1912, 16)