I have been shown that some of our camp-meetings are far from being what the Lord designed they should be. The people come unprepared for the visitation of God's Holy Spirit. Generally the sisters devote considerable time before the meeting to the preparation of garments for the outward adorning, while they entirely forget the inward adorning, which is in the sight of God of great price. There is also much time spent in needless cooking, in the preparation of rich pies and cakes and other articles of food that do positive injury to those who partake of them. Should our sisters provide good bread and some other healthful kinds of food, both they and their families would be better prepared to appreciate the words of life, and far more susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 1)
Often the stomach is overburdened with food which is seldom as plain and simple as that eaten at home, where the amount of exercise taken is double or treble. This causes the mind to be in such a lethargy that it is difficult to appreciate eternal things, and the meeting closes, and they are disappointed in not having enjoyed more of the Spirit of God.
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 2)
While preparing for the meeting, each individual should closely and critically examine his own heart before God. If there have been unpleasant feelings, discord, or strife in families, it should be one of the first acts of preparation to confess these faults one to another and pray with and for one another. Humble yourselves before God, and make an earnest effort to empty the soul temple of all rubbish,—all envyings, all jealousies, all suspicions, all fault-findings. “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep; let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 3)
The Lord speaks: enter into your closet, and in silence commune with your own heart; listen to the voice of truth and conscience. Nothing will give such clear views of self as secret prayer. He who seeth in secret and knoweth all things, will enlighten your understanding and answer your petitions. Plain, simple duties that must not be neglected will open before you. Make a covenant with God to yield yourselves and all your powers to his service. Do not carry this undone work to the camp-meeting. If it is not done at home, your own soul will suffer, and others will be greatly injured by your coldness, your stupor, your spiritual lethargy.
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 4)
At home is the place to find Jesus; then take him with you to the meeting, and how precious will be the hours you spend there! But how can you expect to feel the presence of the Lord and see his power displayed, when the individual work of preparation for that time is neglected?
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 5)
For your soul's sake, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of others, work at home. Pray as you are not accustomed to pray. Let the heart break before God. Set your house in order. Prepare your children for the occasion. Teach them that it is not of so much consequence that they appear with fine clothes as that they appear before God with clean hands and pure hearts. Remove every obstacle that may have been in their way,—all differences that may have existed between themselves, or between you and them. By so doing you will invite the Lord's presence into your homes, and holy angels will attend you as you go up to the meeting, and their light and presence will press back the darkness of evil angels. Even unbelievers will feel the holy atmosphere as they enter the encampment. O, how much is lost by neglecting this important work! You may be pleased with the preaching, you may become animated and revived, but the converting, reforming power of God will not be felt in the heart, and the work will not be so deep, thorough, and lasting as it should be. Let pride be crucified, and the soul be clad with the priceless robe of Christ's righteousness, and what a meeting will you enjoy! It will be to your soul even as the gate of heaven.
(RH June 6, 1912, Art. A, 6)
“Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give”
During the years of Christ's public ministry, the first disciples were associated closely with him, that they might be trained for the work that as his representatives they must carry forward when he should be no longer with them. For three years they labored with him, hearing his words of comfort and hope to the weary and desponding, beholding his miracles in behalf of the suffering. When Christ returned to the Father, he bade the disciples continue the work he had begun. They were given power to heal “all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” By healing in his name the diseases of the body, they would testify to his power for the healing of the soul. Through ministry such as Christ had performed, they were to carry to all nations the gospel of his grace.
(RH June 6, 1912, 1)
In the same way his disciples today are to labor. In sympathy and compassion they are to minister to those in need of help, seeking with unselfishness and earnestness to lighten the woe of suffering humanity; and through this means win men and women to the great truth for this time.
(RH June 6, 1912, 2)
“Is not this the fast that I have chosen,” the Lord through his prophet declares, “to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?” Wherever the people of God are placed, in the crowded cities, in the villages, or among the country byways, there is a mission field, for which a responsibility is laid upon them by their Lord's commission.
(RH June 6, 1912, 3)
The denominational churches in our land are doing something in the line of Christian Help work. Some are working actively, walking in all the light they have. They would do much more if they understood the truths that we hold. Yet many of those who know the truth, who claim to believe that the last message of mercy is being given to the world, are fast asleep. Many, like the sluggard, are folding their hands in inactivity.
(RH June 6, 1912, 4)
The Lord is calling upon his people to take up different lines of missionary work, to sow beside all waters. We do but a small part of the work that he desires us to do among our neighbors and friends. By kindness to the poor, the sick, or the bereaved we may obtain an influence over them, so that divine truth will find access to their hearts. No such opportunity for service should be allowed to pass unimproved. It is the highest missionary work that we can do. The presentation of the truth in love and sympathy from house to house is in harmony with the instruction of Christ to his disciples when he sent them out on their first missionary tour.
(RH June 6, 1912, 5)
Those who have the gift of song are needed. Song is one of the most effective means of impressing spiritual truth upon the heart. Often by the words of sacred song, the springs of penitence and faith have been unsealed. Church-members, young and old, should be educated to go forth to proclaim this last message to the world. If they go in humility, angels of God will go with them, teaching them how to lift up the voice in prayer, how to raise the voice in song, and how to proclaim the gospel message for this time.
(RH June 6, 1912, 6)
Young men and women, take up the work to which God calls you. Christ will teach you to use your abilities to good purpose. As you receive the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit, and seek to teach others, your minds will be refreshed, and you will be able to present words that are new and strangely beautiful to your hearers. Pray and sing, and speak the word.
(RH June 6, 1912, 7)
The medical missionary work presents many opportunities for service. Intemperance in eating and ignorance of nature's laws are causing much of the sickness that exists, and are robbing God of the glory due him. Because of a failure to deny self, many of God's people are unable to reach the high standard of spirituality he sets before them. Teach the people that it is better to know how to keep well than to know how to cure disease. We should be wise educators, warning all against self-indulgence. As we see the wretchedness, deformity, and disease that have come into the world as a result of ignorance, how can we refrain from doing our part to enlighten the ignorant and relieve the suffering?
(RH June 6, 1912, 8)
Because the avenues to the soul have been closed by the tyrant Prejudice, many are ignorant of the principles of healthful living. Good service can be done by teaching the people how to prepare healthful food. This line of work is as essential as any that can be taken up. More cooking schools should be established, and some should labor from house to house, giving instruction in the art of cooking wholesome foods. Many, many will be rescued from physical, mental, and moral degeneracy through the influence of health reform. These principles will commend themselves to those who are seeking for light; and such will advance from this to receive the full truth for this time.
(RH June 6, 1912, 9)
God wants his people to receive to impart. As impartial, unselfish witnesses, they are to give to others what the Lord has given them. And as you enter into this work, and by whatever means in your power seek to reach hearts, be sure to work in a way that will remove prejudice instead of creating it. Make the life of Christ your constant study, and labor as he did, following his example.
(RH June 6, 1912, 10)
Precious are God's promises to those who minister in his name. He says: “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.... Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am.... And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.”
(RH June 6, 1912, 11)
Then go, teach and preach Christ. Instruct and educate all whom you can reach who know not of his grace, his goodness, his mercy.
(RH June 6, 1912, 12)