The Lord is calling upon his people to take up different lines of missionary work. Those in the highways and hedges are to hear the saving gospel message. Church members are to do evangelistic work in the homes of those of their friends and neighbors who have not yet received full evidence of the truth.
(RH November 19, 1914, 1)
The presentation of the truth, in love and simplicity, from house to house, is in harmony with the instruction that Christ gave his disciples when he sent them out on their first missionary tour. By songs of praise to God, humble, heartfelt prayers, and a simple presentation of Bible truth in the family circle, many will be rescued. The divine Worker will be present to send conviction to hearts. “I am with you alway,” is his promise. With the assurance of the abiding presence of such a helper, we may labor with faith and hope and courage.
(RH November 19, 1914, 2)
The monotony of our service for God needs to be broken up. Every church member should be engaged in some line of work for God. Let those who are well established in the truth, go into neighboring places, and hold meetings, giving a cordial invitation to all. Let there be in these meetings, melodious songs, fervent prayers, and the reading of God's Word. And let the ideas expressed, and the words in which they are clothed, be such as the common people can readily comprehend.
(RH November 19, 1914, 3)
There are those who can visit the homes of the people, reading to the members of the family on some simple, impressive subject of Bible truth. By such labor souls will be convicted and converted. Those who do this work should be able to read and speak with clearness and feeling, placing the emphasis where it belongs.
(RH November 19, 1914, 4)
There are those who, because of pressing home duties, may not be able to do house-to-house work. But let them not think that they can do nothing to help. They can encourage those who go out, and can give of their means to help to sustain them.
(RH November 19, 1914, 5)
Will not every church act its part as the Lord's missionary society? Every member may do something. God's people are to be laborers together with him. As they take up the work, there will be a manifest increase of piety and faith. There will be a greater readiness to offer prayer and praise to God in the testimony meetings held.
(RH November 19, 1914, 6)
We see multitudes sunken in vice and ignorance, without hope and without God. Yet provision has been made that these may become children of the heavenly King. His mercy is still lingering for them. He is inviting them, weary, heavy-laden with sin, to come to him for pardon, rest, and peace. To us he has given the message of truth, the invitation of mercy, to bear to these perishing souls. Shall we not act our part in fulfilling the divine purpose, by giving light to those who are in darkness? Let us not wait for them to come to us, but let us go out and search for them. Let us devise ways and means of reaching them and of communicating to them a knowledge of the truth for this time. Let us point them to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.
(RH November 19, 1914, 7)
Says Christ, “Ye are the light of the world.” This applies not only to the ministers, but to every soul to whom Christ has revealed himself. In your several churches you are to be active, living, Christian workers. Are you acquainted with your neighbors? Have you the love of Jesus? If so, you will feel an intense interest for the souls for whom Christ died. Pure religion and undefiled is an active principle. It overreaches the walls of home. It goes forth in quest of objects that need help. Its light flashes into the highways and hedges, and it is seen and felt in the larger places of the earth. The lost sheep are searched for diligently, and wanderers are brought back to the fold.
(RH November 19, 1914, 8)
Not all, however, who are enrolled as members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are faithful missionaries for God. As in former years, so today I must testify to a sad neglect of personal effort on the part of many, both for the members of the family and for our neighbors. Many seem to rest perfectly easy, as if heavenly messengers were to come to earth and in an audible voice proclaim the message of warning. These idlers in the vineyard are virtually saying, “Am I my brother's keeper?”
(RH November 19, 1914, 9)
Many associate almost wholly with those of the same faith, and feel no duty to become acquainted with their neighbors who are ignorant of the great and testing truths for the last days. Ladies who in the parlor can engage in conversation with wonderful tact and earnestness, shrink from pointing the sinner to the Lamb of God. O, there is so much work to be done for souls that is left undone because it is a cross, and because each seeks his own amusement, and works for his own selfish interest! Because of our unbelief, our worldliness, and our indolence, blood-bought souls in the very shadow of our homes are dying in their sins, and dying unwarned.
(RH November 19, 1914, 10)
Until the judgment it will never be known how much might have been done, how many plans might have been devised, to save souls by bringing them to the knowledge of the truth. Self-indulgence, unwillingness to sacrifice, and a lack of true spiritual discernment, have led many to overlook the open doors which they might have entered to do a good work for the Master. Love of ease has caused them to shun the wearing of Christ's yoke, the lifting of his burden.
(RH November 19, 1914, 11)
Many, many, are approaching the day of God, doing nothing, shunning responsibilities, and as the result they are religious dwarfs. So far as work for God is concerned, the pages of their life history present a mournful blank. As trees in the garden of God, they are only cumberers of the ground, darkening with their unproductive boughs the ground which fruit-bearing trees might have occupied.
(RH November 19, 1914, 12)
In the day of God how many will confront us and say, “I am lost! I am lost! and you never warned me; you never entreated me to come to Jesus. Had I believed as you did, I should have followed every judgment-bound soul with prayers and tears and warnings.”
(RH November 19, 1914, 13)
In that day the Master will demand of his professed people, “What have you done to save the souls of your neighbors? There were many who were connected with you in worldly business, who lived close beside you, whom you might have warned. Why are they among the unsaved?”
(RH November 19, 1914, 14)
Brethren and sisters, what excuse can you render to God for this neglect? I would present this matter to you as it has been presented to me; and in the light from the life of the Master, from the cross of Calvary, I urge you to arouse. I entreat you to take upon your hearts the burden of your fellow men.
(RH November 19, 1914, 15)
No one who professes to love Jesus can long retain the favor of God if he feels no interest for sinners around him. Those who seek merely to save their own souls, and are indifferent to the condition and destiny of their fellow men, will fail to put forth sufficient effort to secure their own salvation. In hiding their talents in the earth, they are throwing away their opportunities to obtain a star-gemmed crown.
(RH November 19, 1914, 16)
I write plainly, in the hope that every effort may be made on the part of all to remove from them the frown of God. Whatever the neglect of duty, of parents to children, or of neighbor to neighbor, let it now be understood and repented of. If we have sinned against the Lord, we shall never have peace and restoration to his favor without full confession and reformation in regard to the very things in which we have been remiss. Not until we have used every means in our power to repair the evil, can God approve and bless us. The path of confession is humiliating, but it is the only way by which we can receive strength to overcome. All the dropped stitches may never be picked up so that our work shall be as perfect and God-pleasing as it should have been; but every effort should be made to do this so far as it is possible to accomplish it.
(RH November 19, 1914, 17)
We have the promise, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,” even so was “the Son of man... lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” We are to “look and live.” Sinful and unworthy, we must cast our helpless souls upon the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour. Then will God restore unto us the joy of his salvation, and uphold us by his free Spirit. Then may we teach transgressors his way, and sinners shall be converted unto him.
(RH November 19, 1914, 18)
Brethren, the Lord calls upon you to redeem the time. Draw nigh to God. Take on your neck the yoke of Christ; stretch out your hands to lift his burden. Stir up the gift that is within you. You who have had opportunities and privileges to become acquainted with the reasons of our faith, use this knowledge in giving light to others. And do not rest satisfied with the little knowledge that you already have. Search the Scriptures. Let no moment be unimproved. Dig for the precious gems of truth as for hid treasures, and pray for wisdom that you may present the truth to others in a clear, connected manner.
(RH November 19, 1914, 19)
Many who have been left to darkness and ruin, might have been helped had their neighbors, common men and women, come to them with the love of Christ glowing in their hearts, and put forth personal efforts for them. Many are waiting to be thus addressed personally. Humble, earnest conversation with such persons, and prayer for them, heart being brought close to heart, would in most cases be wholly successful.
(RH November 19, 1914, 20)
Let labor for souls become a part of your life. Go to the homes even of those who manifest no interest. While mercy's sweet voice invites the sinner, work with every energy of heart and brain, as did Paul, who “ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” The heavenly messengers are waiting to cooperate with your efforts. Will you do the work appointed you of God?
(RH November 19, 1914, 21)
Christ is coming soon. He declared that when there would be wars and rumors of wars, when there would be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places, we might know that the time of his second appearing is near. The wickedness, the turmoil, the disturbances on every side, should be regarded by us as signs that the day of God is at hand. “When these things begin to come to pass,” he declared, “then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
(RH November 19, 1914, 22)
We are standing on the verge of the eternal world. We have no time to lose. It is high time to tell the people that Christ is coming. Let us warn them, visiting them at their homes, and talking and praying with them personally. By such efforts we shall win souls to Christ. If we come to God in faith, he will give us power and grace for every duty.
(RH November 19, 1914, 23)