The nineteen-year period spanned by the counsels of this volume was a time of expansion in the work of Seventh-day Adventists. In earlier decades the foundations of doctrine were laid, the work of the church organized, and beginnings made in such leading lines of church endeavor as the publishing, medical, and educational. The opportunities of foreign mission service were now beginning to open before us.
(2TT 5.1)
The instruction given through this critical period to guide and guard the church and edify its members speaks to our hearts today as we are faced with similar opportunities, problems, and responsibilities.
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As in Book 1, the articles appear in their chronological order. The date of first publication and the source reference is given as a footnote at the opening of each chapter. While most of this material has been selected from Testimonies for the Church, volumes 4, 5, and 6, four chapters have been drawn from other E. G. White books and periodical articles.
(2TT 5.3)
That these counsels in the hands of Seventh-day Adventists the world around may lead to higher standards and more earnest service is the fervent wish of the publishers
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The Trustees of the Ellen G. White Publications.
(2TT 5)