Chapter 29
5L. Half-hearted Service Cannot Please God—[1 Chronicles 29:5L quoted.] The response came not only in liberal offerings of treasures to meet the expense of the building, but also in willing service in the various lines of God′s work. Hearts were filled with a desire to return to the Lord His own, by consecrating to His service all the energies of mind and body. Those upon whom had been placed burdens of state, determined to labor heartily and unselfishly, using for God the skill and ability He had given them. (3BC 1129.6)
David′s exhortation to Solomon, and his appeal to the burden-bearers of the nation, should be kept in mind by those who are in positions of trust in the Lord′s cause today. In this our day God′s people will prosper only so long as they keep His precepts; and those who bear responsibilities are called upon to consecrate their service to the Lord. Conference officers, church officers, managers and heads of departments in our institutions, laborers in the field at home and abroad,—all are to render faithful service by using their talents wholly for God. The Lord is not pleased with half-hearted service. To Him we owe all that we have and are (The Review and Herald, September 14, 1905). (3BC 1129.7)
14L. David and God Were Partners—This subject of the use of the means entrusted to us should be carefully considered; for the Lord will require His own with usury. While in poverty, many regard systematic giving as a Bible requirement; but when they come into possession of money or property, they do not acknowledge Gods claim upon them. They look upon their means as their own. But not so did King David regard his possessions. He understood that God is the great proprietor of all things, and that he himself was highly honored in that he had been taken into partnership with God. His heart was filled with gratitude for the favor and mercy of God, and in his prayer when presenting offerings for the building of the temple, he said, “Of thine own have we given thee”(1 Chronicles 29:14L) (The Review and Herald, December 8, 1896). (3BC 1130.1)