Chapter 1
10L. Do Not Hire Every Errand Done—Today, as in the days of Malachi, there are ministers who labor, not because they dare not do otherwise, not because the woe is upon them, but for the wages they are to receive. It is entirely wrong to hire every errand that is done for the Lord. The treasury of the Lord has been drained by those who have been only an injury to the cause. If ministers give themselves wholly to the work of God, and devote all their energies to building up His cause, they will have no lack. As regards temporal things, they have a better portion than their Lord, and better than His chosen disciples, whom He sent forth (The Southern Work, January 3, 1905). (4BC 1180.7)
11L. Jews′ Prosperity Was to Reveal God′s Glory—[Malachi 1:11L quoted.] The prophetic words of Malachi have been meeting their fulfillment in the proclamation of the Lord′s truth to the Gentiles. God, in His infinite wisdom, chose Israel as the depositary of priceless treasures of truth for all nations. He gave them His law as the standard of the character they were to develop before the world, before angels, and before the unfallen worlds. They were to reveal to the world the laws of the government of heaven. By precept and example they were to bear a decided testimony for the truth. The glory of God, His majesty and power, were to be revealed in all their prosperity. They were to be a kingdom of priests and princes. God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. (4BC 1180.8)
Through disloyalty, God′s chosen people developed a character exactly the opposite of the character He desired them to develop. They placed their own mold and superscription upon the truth. They forgot God, and lost sight of their high privilege as His representatives. The blessings they had received brought no blessing to the world. All their advantages were appropriated for their own glorification. They robbed God of the service He required of them, and they robbed their fellow men of religious guidance and a holy example. Like the inhabitants of the antediluvian world, they followed out every imagination of their evil hearts. Thus they made sacred things appear a farce, saying, “The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, are these,”(Jeremiah 7:4L) while at the same time they were misrepresenting God′s character, dishonoring His name, and polluting His sanctuary (The Southern Work, January 10, 1905). (4BC 1181.1)
13L. See EGW comment on Leviticus 1:3L. (4BC 1181.2)