Maintain a High Standard
It is far easier to allow matters in our important institutions to go in a lax, loose way than to weed out that which is offensive, which will corrupt and destroy confidence and faith. But it would be far better to have a smaller number of workers, to accomplish less, and as far as possible to have these who are engaged in the work truehearted, firm as rock in principle, loving the whole truth, obedient to all the commandments of God. (CH 264.1)
The white-robed ones who surround the throne of God are not composed of that company who were lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and who choose to drift with the current rather than to breast the waves of opposition. All who remain pure and uncorrupted from the spirit and influence prevailing at this time will have stern conflicts. They will come through great tribulations; they will wash their robes of character, and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. These will sing the song of triumph in the kingdom of glory. Those who suffer with Christ will be partakers of His glory.—The Review and Herald, October 16, 1883. (CH 264.2)