Section 11—The Fruitage of Welfare Ministry (WM 293)
Gem Thought
People are watching and weighing those who claim to believe the special truths for this time. They are watching to see wherein their life and conduct represent Christ. By humbly and earnestly engaging in the work of doing good to all, Gods people will exert an influence that will tell in every town and city where the truth has entered. If all who know the truth will take hold of this work as opportunities are presented, day by day doing little acts of love in the neighborhood where they live, Christ will be manifest to their neighbors. The gospel will be revealed as a living power and not as cunningly devised fables or idle speculations. It will be revealed as a reality, not the result of imagination or enthusiasm. This will be of more consequence than sermons or professions or creeds.—Testimonies for the Church 6:264. (WM 294.1)
“Your giving does not end in meeting the wants of your fellow Christians. It also results in an overflowing tide of thanksgiving to God. Moreover, your very giv¬ing proves the reality of your faith, and that means that men thank God that you practice the Gospel that you profess to be¬lieve in, as well as for the actual gifts you make to them and to others. And yet further, men will pray for you and feel drawn to you because you have obvi¬ously received a generous meas¬ure of the grace of God.” 2 Corinthians 9, 11-14L, Phillips version. (WM 295)