Drop Self into Gods Hands, November 28
“My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand.” John 10:29L. (UL 346.1)
We must rise to a higher standard on the subject of faith. We have too little faith. The Word of God is our endorsement. We must take it, simply believing every word. With this assurance, we may claim large things, and according to our faith it will be unto us.... If we humble our hearts before God, if we seek to abide in Christ, we shall have a higher, holier experience.... (UL 346.2)
True faith consists in doing just what God has enjoined, not manufacturing things He has not enjoined. Justice, truth, mercy, are the fruit of faith. We need to walk in the light of Gods law; then good works will be the fruit of our faith, the proceeds of a heart renewed every day. (UL 346.3)
We must not in any way make self our god. God has given Himself to die for us, that He might purify us from all iniquity. The Lord will carry on this work of perfection for us if we will allow ourselves to be controlled by Him.... (UL 346.4)
The work of righteousness cannot be carried forward unless we exercise implicit faith. Move every day under Gods mighty working power. The fruit of righteousness is quietness and assurance forever. If we had exercised more faith in God and had trusted less to our own ideas and wisdom, God would have manifested His power in a marked manner on human hearts. By a union with Him, by living faith, we are privileged to enjoy the virtue and efficacy of His mediation. Hence we are crucified with Christ, dead with Christ, risen with Christ, to walk in newness of life with Him. (UL 346.5)
We are not to hold ourselves in our own hands. We are to drop self into the hands of God.... Our lack of faith is the reason that we have not seen more of the power of God. We exercise more faith in our own working than in Gods working for us. God designs that everything possible shall be done to enable us to stand heart to heart, mind to mind, shoulder to shoulder. This lack of love and confidence in one another weakens our faith in God. (UL 346.6)
We need to pray as we never have prayed before for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for if there was ever a time when we needed this baptism, it is now. There is nothing the Lord has more frequently told us He would bestow upon us, and nothing by which His name would be more glorified in bestowing, than the Holy Spirit. When we partake of this Spirit, men and women will be born again.... Souls once lost will be found, and brought back.—Letter 105, November 28, 1898, to Elder and Mrs. S. N. Haskell. (UL 346.7)