Chapter 2
1, 2L (Hebrews 12:15L). Objectionable Missionary Work—[1 Peter 2:1, 2L quoted.] ... We are fellow pilgrims, seeking a better country, even a heavenly. God will never say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” at the end of our journey, if we now cherish a spirit which craves to crowd out and supplant others. Malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy, and evil speaking are things which God abhors, and no one who reveals those fruits in his life will enter the kingdom of heaven.... (7BC 940.5)
Those who make faultfinding their work, may appear to be constantly anxious and interested in regard to the welfare of others. They may seem to be actively engaged in good work. But their work does harm, and by the Lord it is not regarded as of any value. “They say,” is whispered here and there; by blind suggestions, other minds are filled with suspicion and distrust; uneasiness is created. Those who have listened to the “They say,” call to mind something they have observed in their brethren, which might have been wrong, and much is made of that which is worthy of but little notice. These apparently innocent words strike long, fibrous roots into the minds of those that hear them, and untold harm is done. Seeds of bitterness are planted; evil suggestions rankle in human hearts, and the seed springs up to bear an abundant harvest. (7BC 940.6)
The enemy of all righteousness sets in operation objectionable missionary work of this kind. One who is professedly working for Christ is tempted by him to probe the minds of others, and ask their opinions of words which have been spoken. In this way suspicion and envy are planted in many breasts. If those who carry on this missionary work could see it as it is regarded by the Lord of heaven; if for one day they could trace the course of their work, and see its baleful results, they would repent. (7BC 940.7)
To do good to all, to faithfully perform our home duties, to devote our time to comparing our lives with the life of Christ, praying for a humble, sanctified mind—this is the missionary work which the Lord requires us to do. Angels of heaven cannot work with the human agent who sows the seeds of dissension and strife, but evil angels attend him wherever he goes (Manuscript 47, 1896). (7BC 940.8) 2 I
2L. Feeding the Soul With Truth.—Coming to God inspires confidence, and stimulates the soul to action. The body will die if deprived of suitable nourishment, and so with the soul. In order to have spiritual strength, or even life, it must be nourished by the Word, which is spirit and life. It must be constantly fed by the truth which connects the soul with Him in whom we live, and move, and have our being (Manuscript 16, 1890). (7BC 941.1)
4, 5L. See EGW comment on Ephesians 2:19-21L. (7BC 941.2)
5L. See EGW comment on Psalm 144:12L. (7BC 941.3)
11L. See EGW comment on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27L. (7BC 941.4)
12L. See EGW comment on Romans 12:17L. (7BC 941.5)
21L. See EGW comment on Revelation 14:4L. (7BC 941.6)
24L (see EGW comment on Hebrews 2:14; 7:25L). Bad Habits to Be Firmly Resisted—Christ is represented as bearing the griefs and sorrows caused by sin, and He does this, not only as our sympathizing friend, but as our substitute. Therefore our sins of selfishness, of unamiable temper, of indolence, of wrong habits and practices, are to be positively and firmly put away. The one who breaks with Satan is to give no place to his temptations. Let the souls who come to Christ consider that He is the sin bearer.... Let the repenting soul lay hold by faith of the provision made to save him, not in his sin, but from his sin. Christ as the sin bearer must take away the sin and rescue the sinner from his morbid spiritual condition (Manuscript 56, 1900). (7BC 941.7)
A Bridge Over the Gulf—By transgression man was severed from God, the communion between them was broken; but Jesus Christ died upon the cross of Calvary, bearing in His body the sins of the whole world, and the gulf between heaven and earth was bridged by that cross. Christ leads men to the gulf, and points to the bridge by which it is spanned, saying, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Manuscript 21, 1895). (7BC 941.8)