Teachers and Teaching
True education means more than taking a certain course of study. It is broad. It includes the harmonious development of all the physical powers and the mental faculties. It teaches the love and fear of God, and is a preparation for the faithful discharge of lifes duties. (CT 64.1)
There is an education which is essentially worldly. Its aim is success in the world, the gratification of selfish ambition. To secure this education many students spend time and money in crowding their minds with unnecessary knowledge. The world accounts them learned; but God is not in their thoughts. They eat of the tree of worldly knowledge, which nourishes and strengthens pride. In their hearts they become disobedient and estranged from God; and their entrusted gifts are placed on the enemys side. Much of the education at the present time is of this character. The world may regard it as highly desirable; but it increases the peril of the student. (CT 64.2)
There is another kind of education that is very different. Its fundamental principle, as stated by the greatest Teacher the world has ever known, is, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.” Matthew 6:33L. Its aim is not selfish; its purpose is to honor God and to serve Him in the world. Both the studies pursued and the industrial training sought have this object in view. The word of God is studied; a vital connection with God is maintained, and the better feelings and traits of character are brought into exercise. This kind of education produces results as lasting as eternity. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10L), and better than all knowledge is an understanding of His word. (CT 64.3)
What shall be the character of the education given in our schools? Shall it be according to the wisdom of this world, or according to the wisdom which is from above? ... Teachers are to do more for their students than to impart a knowledge of books. Their position as guide and instructor of the youth is most responsible, for to them is given the work of molding mind and character. Those who undertake this work should possess well-balanced, symmetrical characters. They should be refined in manner, neat in dress, careful in all their habits; and they should have that true Christian courtesy that wins confidence and respect. The teacher should be himself what he wishes his students to become. (CT 65.1)
Teachers are to watch over their students as the shepherd watches over the flock entrusted to his charge. They should care for souls as they that must give an account. (CT 65.2)
The teacher may understand many things in regard to the physical universe; he may know about the structure of animal life, the discoveries of natural science, the inventions of mechanical art; but he cannot be called educated, he is not fitted for his work as an instructor of the youth, unless he has in his own soul a knowledge of God and of Christ. He cannot be a true educator until he is himself a learner in the school of Christ, receiving an education from the divine Instructor. (CT 65.3)
God Our Dependence
God is the source of all wisdom. He is infinitely wise and just and good. Apart from Christ, the wisest men that ever lived cannot comprehend Him. They may profess to be wise; they may glory in their attainments; but mere intellectual knowledge, aside from the great truths that center in Christ, is as nothingness. “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom: ... but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth.” Jeremiah 9:23, 24L. (CT 66.1)
If men could see for a moment beyond the range of finite vision, if they could catch a glimpse of the Eternal, every mouth would be stopped in its boasting. Men living in this little atom of a world are finite; God has unnumbered worlds that are obedient to His laws and are conducted with reference to His glory. When men have gone as far in scientific research as their limited powers will permit, there is still an infinity beyond what they can apprehend. (CT 66.2)
Before men can be truly wise, they must realize their dependence upon God, and be filled with His wisdom. God is the source of intellectual as well as spiritual power. The greatest men who have reached what the world regards as wonderful heights in science are not to be compared with the beloved John or the apostle Paul. It is when intellectual and spiritual power are combined that the highest standard of manhood is attained. Those who do this, God will accept as workers together with Him in the training of minds. (CT 66.3)
To know oneself is a great knowledge. The teacher who rightly estimates himself will let God mold and discipline his mind. And he will acknowledge the source of his power.... Self-knowledge leads to humility and to trust in God, but it does not take the place of efforts for self-improvement. He who realizes his own deficiencies will spare no pains to reach the highest possible standard of physical, mental, and moral excellence. No one should have a part in the training of youth who is satisfied with a lower standard. (CT 67.1)
An Effective Helper
The true teacher will try by precept and example to win souls to Christ. He must receive the truth in the love of it and let it cleanse his heart and mold his life. Every teacher should be under the full control of the Holy Spirit. Then Christ can speak to the heart, and His voice is the voice of love. And the love of God, received into the heart, is an active power for good, quickening and enlarging the mind and soul. With his own heart warm with divine love, the teacher will lift up the Man of Calvary, not to give the students a casual glimpse, but to fasten their attention until Jesus shall seem to them the “chiefest among ten thousand,” and the One “altogether lovely.” Song of Solomon 5:10, 16L. (CT 67.2)
The Holy Spirit is an effective helper in restoring the image of God in the human soul, but Its efficiency and power have not been appreciated in our schools. It came into the schools of the prophets, bringing even the thoughts into harmony with the will of God. There was a living connection between heaven and these schools; and the joy and thanksgiving of loving hearts found expression in songs of praise in which angels joined. (CT 67.3)
The Holy Spirit comes to the world as Christs representative. It not only speaks the truth, but It is the truth—the faithful and true Witness. It is the great Searcher of hearts and is acquainted with the characters of all. (CT 68.1)
The Holy Spirit has often come to our schools and has not been recognized, but has been treated as a stranger, perhaps even as an intruder. Every teacher should know and welcome this heavenly Guest. If the teachers will open their own hearts to receive the Spirit, they will be prepared to co-operate with It in working for their students. And when It is given free course, It will effect wonderful transformations. It will work in each heart, correcting selfishness, molding and refining the character, and bringing even the thoughts into captivity to Christ. (CT 68.2)
The great aim of the teacher should be the perfecting of Christian character in himself and in his students. Teachers, let your lamps be trimmed and burning, and they will not only be lights to your students, but will send out clear and distinct rays to the homes and neighborhoods where your students live, and far beyond into the moral darkness of the world.—Special Testimonies On Education, 47-52; written May 15, 1896. (CT 68.3)
Our brethren say the plea comes from ministers and parents that there are scores of young people in our ranks who need the advantages of our training schools, but they cannot attend unless tuitions are lower. (CT 68.4)
Those who plead for low tuition should carefully weigh matters on all sides. If students cannot of themselves command sufficient means to pay the actual expense of good and faithful work in their education, is it not better that their parents, their friends, or the churches to which they belong, or largehearted, benevolent brethren in their conference, should assist them, than that a burden of debt should be brought upon the school? It would be far better to let the many patrons of the institution share the expense, than for the school to run in debt. (CT 69.1)
The churches in different localities should feel that a solemn responsibility rests upon them to train youth and educate talent to engage in missionary work. When they see those in the church who give promise of making useful workers, but who are not able to support themselves in the school, they should assume the responsibility of sending them to one of our training schools. There is excellent ability in the churches that needs to be brought into service. There are persons who would do good service in the Lords vineyard, but many are too poor to obtain without assistance the education that they require. The churches should feel it a privilege to take a part in defraying the expenses of such. (CT 69.2)
Those who have the truth in their hearts are always openhearted, helping where it is necessary. They lead out, and others imitate their example. If there are some who should have the benefit of the school, but who cannot pay full price for their tuition, let the churches show their liberality by helping them. (CT 69.3)
Besides this, in each conference a fund should be raised to lend to worthy poor students who desire to give themselves to the missionary work; in some cases such students should even receive donations. When the Battle Creek College was first opened, there was a fund placed in the Review and Herald office for the benefit of those who wished to obtain an education, but had not the means. This was used by several students until they could get a good start; then from their earnings they would replace what they had drawn, so that others might be benefited by the fund. (CT 69.4)
Some provision should now be made for the maintenance of such a fund to lend to poor but worthy students who desire to prepare themselves for missionary work. The youth should have it plainly set before them that they must work their own way as far as possible, and thus partly defray their expenses. That which costs little will be appreciated little, but that which costs a price somewhere near its real value will be estimated accordingly. (CT 70.1)
A teachers advantages may have been limited, so that he does not possess as high literary qualifications as he might desire; yet if he has true insight into human nature, if he has an appreciation of the magnitude of his work, and a genuine love for it; if he has a willingness to labor earnestly and humbly and perseveringly, he will comprehend the needs of his pupils, and by his sympathetic spirit will win their hearts and leads them onward and upward. His efforts will be so well directed that the school will become a living, growing power for good, full of the spirit of real advancement. (CT 70.2)
For Further Study
Our Children and Youth Demand Our Care
The Adventist Home, 187-189, 279-281.∫
Testimonies For The Church 5:11; ∫
Testimonies For The Church 6:126-131, 136-138, 213-218.∫
The Primal Object of Education
Education, 13-19.∫
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 83-91, 231-235, 541-545.∫
Character Building
Child Guidance, 161-190, 193-220.∫
Education, 225-229.∫
Messages to Young People, 15-18, 78-80, 163-165, 345-350. ∫
Teachers and Teaching
Child Guidance, 31-39, 63-76.∫
Education, 275-287.∫
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 212-219, 260-276, 516-519, 525-527.∫
Testimonies For The Church 5:84-94;∫
Testimonies For The Church 7:267-276.
(CT 71)