
 false: accompanying new theories TM 411
 may seem to be sincere for God’s honor 3T 353
 much, will be met in miss. work CH 502
 passes for jealousy for God’s cause TM 186
 you will meet much CH 34
 far greater, promises and opportunities and privileges that should inspire 7T 221-2
 fervent, fire as symbol of SR 242
 minister needs 2T 337
 fiery, mistaken for religion is fanaticism 5T 305
 for Christ TM 400-4
 soul that is aglow with CH 508
 for God’s glory is motive implanted by Spirit DA 409
 for God’s service should never grow less 8T 27
 for truth does not come without effort 5T 287
 fraud and guile will bear semblance of, for truth TM 366, 494
 fruit lacking while expressing TMK 133:3
 furious, does no good to anyone 4T 486
 God’s means of throwing, into effort TM 454
 God’s people do not show enough Ev 169-70; 6T 417
 great, King Saul’s suppression of idolatry and witchcraft with PP 635
 greater: by strict adherence to laws of health TMK 313:4
 needed in carrying truth to foreign lands TM 194-5
 needed in God’s work TM 195
 words that do not spur others to 3T 108
 hardiness of your, will testify to measure of your faith TM 400
 holy: apostles labored with 7T 33
 God’s people kindled with fire of, in closing work CM 154-5
 inspiring Joshua was communicated to people PP 523
 needed in med. miss. work WM 132
 of God’s servants in time of persecution GC 608-9
 important in coming crisis but avoid defiance 3SM 405:1
 increase in, needed, UL 34:4
 as wickedness increases TDG 229:5
 near the time of Christ’s return TMK 114:4
 intelligent, needed in gospel work LS 214
 Israel’s, that is worthy of imitation PP 344
 Jehu-like, ministers who have TM 55, 333
 warning against TM 55
 King Saul’s: in forms of religion PP 622
 that was sinful PP 624-5
 was more for self than for God PP 624
 labor with divine, to add converts to truth 1SM 84
 lack of, in proclaiming third angel’s message 8T 119
 leaders to show; other torches will be kindled PM 264:2
 let, come into your life MM 214
 light of those claiming advanced truth seen in RC 206:6
 man (men) of, God calls for GW 469
 manifest, in studying plan of salvation FE 170
 manifested by men striving for possessions 1T 143
 manifested in religious ceremonies, that God will not accept PP 634