7. Classes of
 unconverted: ministers should labor earnestly for CG 550
 seeks change and excitement 4T 624-5
 thirsts for pleasure in amusement and hilarity 4T 625
 unconverted though baptized are many CT 353
 undisciplined, church’s work is hindered by influence of 4T 193
 who despise thought of restraint at school 4T 649
 unruly and disobedient, grieve parents MYP 333
 unsuspecting, public house with its brilliant lights attracts MH 338; Te 24-5
 Satan tries his wiles on every 2T 409
 untamed, petted children are FE 53
 unwilling to submit to discipline of institution, parents’ duty re 7T 185-6
 usefulness of many, ruined by unwise marriage AH 43
 vacillating and varying with every change of circumstance and surroundings 5T 43
 vain and superficial and skeptical, moral depravity and ruin caused by associating with 5T 111
 vicious, danger in exposing youth to 3T 149
 parents should guard children against exposure to 3T 149
 Waldensian, training and experience of GC 67-71
 wasting their powers in vanity and folly 4T 623
 watchful and prayerful, God keeps consciences sensitive and perceptions clear for 3T 373
 wayward, how to save MH 171-2
 letter to 2T 307-14
 wealthy, mistake made by parents of 3T 150
 well-disciplined and cultivated, God’s work needs 6T 206
 who have accepted Christ, duty of MYP 125
 whom pub. house should dismiss 4T 205
 why character of some, is deformed 5T 89
 why many: are dwarfs in spiritual things 3T 379
 are seen lounging about stores 3T 151
 are vain, proud, and headstrong SD 129
 become infidels 2BC 1009
 do not improve their advantages SD 322
 feel no need of divine hand to point out their course 5T 85
 grow up with habits of selfishness and idleness SD 129
 why some, manifest spirit of obstinacy and defiance 5T 88
 wild and reckless character of many, is heartsickening CT 99
 with Bible in hands may become stream of blessing to world Ed 192
 with minds cast in inferior mold are in every place CT 226
 with will undisciplined and passions uncontrolled, afterlife of 5T 38
 without: good character cannot acceptably fill any position of trust CT 536
 principle or conscience are many CG 440-1; Te 186
 religious experience should not be accepted as colporteur CM 29
 thorough conversion may despair of heaven 1T 158
 working, need seasons of relaxation CG 341
 working in sanitariums, qualifications of MM 174-5
 worldly: chief desire of, is to be admired and flattered 5T 112
 love of society and pleasure becomes absorbing passion of 5T 112
 unhappy when left in solitude 5T 112
 worldly-minded, why study of God’s word is uninteresting to 2T 144
 worthy poor: church members should help to pay school tuition of 6T 212-3
 church officers’ duty to 9T 77-8