7. Classes of
 erring: God looks with pitying tenderness upon 6T 254-5
 how to deal with MM 180
 impulse to act rashly with MM 180
 making unjust charges against MM 180
 show interest and love re 4T 424
 erring and disobedient, prodigal son’s experience as COL 198-211
 erring and rebellious, follow rule of Luke 6:31 in dealing with Ed 292-3
 excusing themselves because of other people’s faults feed on husks 1T 500
 exerting demoralizing influence, college should not admit 4T 209
 exposed to temptation, best shield for 3T 194
 ministers should open their doors to GW 212
 failing to grow in grace are many MYP 102
 faithful, precious promise for 1T 498-9
 will astonish people by their witness to truth in closing scenes of earth’s history CT 166-7
 feeling fully competent to guide their own barks among the breakers 5T 86
 feelings of, seek to enter into GW 209
 few: appreciate value of their talents CSW 49
 free from corrupt habits 2T 348
 have any knowledge of mysteries of life CT 126; FE 159-60; 2T 536; 7T 65
 understand truth by experience MYP 140
 understand what it is to be Christians 1T 510
 few SDA, earnestly and anxiously desire to know and do God’s will 2T 128
 finding joy in reading God’s word and in prayer, God constantly refreshes SD 136; 4T 624
 fitting themselves for God’s service SD 204
 following: Christ, precious promises recorded for CT 330
 impulse are constantly in danger 4T 651-2
 impulse and inclination can have no real happiness CG 258-9
 inclination are many 2BC 1024
 inclination rather than duty 3T 199
 inclination so long that duty becomes meaningless word to them 3T 373
 forming characters in this degenerate age, EGW’s mourning for 2T 348
 free from corrupt habits are very few 2T 348
 friendless, your duty to ChS 217
 frivolity of SDA, is alarming 1T 496
 frivolous, are dangerous MYP 267
 shun company of MYP 267
 from 10 to 18 years old, parents’ duty re 1T 391
 think there is no harm in worldly associations CT 327
 full of buoyancy who spurn restraint brought to bear on them 5T 110
 full of vigor and zeal and courage, God calls for CT 535
 fully consecrated, service of Christ is not drudgery to 3T 374
 gay and thoughtless, prodigal son’s experience as COL 203
 genuineness of faith of SDA, will be proved CT 327
 giddy, when Solomon became like 2T 306
 given to: idle and spendthrift habits are many CG 441
 lovesick sentimentalism, college should closely restrict 4T 209
 seeking their own amusement are useless members of society 2T 235-6
 sentimentalism, SDA institutions should dismiss CH 294
 social gaiety and thoughtless mirth, loss sustained by 9T 90
 giving minds to mere worldly and speculative study lose all that enriches life 8T 311