7. Classes of
 of useful work are many CG 347
 play themselves into Satan’s hands 4T 207
 Satan uses, to lead souls to ruin 4T 207
 impenitent, labor for conversion of 1SM 190
 in churches: are choosing path to destruction MH 171
 demoralized by the unruly and dissembling 4T 199
 in harmony with Christ: choose companions who will help them in rightdoing CT 226
 shun society that does not aid in development of right principles and noble purposes CT 226
 in Jeremiah’s time, promises that made impressions on PK 427
 in professedly Christian homes are choosing path to destruction MH 171
 in religious institutions are choosing path to destruction MH 171
 inclined to: be superficial in all they undertake 3T 367
 confound economy with stinginess and narrowness 5T 400
 consider God’s warnings as idle tales 5T 233
 follow inclination rather than obey calls of duty 3T 379
 turn from God’s warnings with jest 5T 233
 indulged, petted, flattered, and praised until spoiled for practical life 3T 364
 indulging in carelessness and levity fall under temptation instead of overcoming 3T 374
 indulging lustful passions are crazed by devil 2T 482
 industrious and economical, can save a little for God’s cause AH 382
 inexperienced: angels take special charge of CSW 159
 college teachers should not be impatient with errors of 5T 34
 God bears long with 5T 34
 hastened into marriage alliance 2T 252
 influence of, attending SDA schools CT 221
 influenced by youthful infidelity GC 600-1
 innocent, associated with hardened criminals in worldly colleges 4T 426-7
 instructed and disciplined properly will do service for Christ 4T 398
 interested in art but ignoring God’s claims on their talents 1T 512-3
 invalids among MM 106-7
 irreligious, do not mingle too much in society of 3T 225
 just commenced in earnest warfare against sin specially need parents’ counsel and watchcare CT 327
 lacking: brain power because they do little useful labor 4T 96
 education will be crippled and inefficient in any position 5T 521
 firmness of principle should be trained in institution nearest their home 8T 224-5
 fixed principle to serve God are many MYP 102; 1T 161
 method in their work are many SD 117
 muscle power because they do little useful labor 4T 96
 necessary disciplinary training should not be sent to distant school 8T 224-5
 power of endurance are many MYP 102; 2SG 261
 respect for counsel of godly parents, sin of 5T 125
 lax in morals, children should not associate with CT 120
 learning to love amusement for its own sake open door to flood of temptation 9T 90
 led astray by irreligious associates 5T 186
 like empty bubble ML 71
 like prodigal son are many MYP 408
 living: as aimless lives as do butterflies 2T 236
 careless, pleasure-loving, spendthrift life are many MYP 408
 for their own gratification, sinfulness of 3T 370-1
 in country, fewer temptations for LS 356