7. Classes of
 in this degenerate age, EGW mourned for 2T 348
 lovely, Satan sometimes comes in form of MYP 59; 1T 296
 loving and idolizing books, warning to 3T 224
 loving approbation 3T 225
 loving society of persons who love sin see nothing attractive in purity and holiness 4T 363
 loving tainted atmosphere, devils gather about 2BC 1001
 lying in bed some hours after daylight, counsels to Ev 651
 making grievous blunders by failure to heed teachings of experience MYP 163
 making mistakes, teacher should never forget to be compassionate and courteous toward CT 269
 making no advancement in knowledge or spirituality are many MYP 65
 many, in SDA institutions are unfitted to become members of God’s family 8T 28
 though incorrigible are not so hard of heart as they appear Ed 294
 many apparently hopeless, may be reclaimed by wise discipline Ed 294
 melt under kindness Ed 294
 many apparently unpromising, are richly endowed with talents Ed 232
 many outwardly unattractive, may be precious material Ed 232
 many SDA: do not intelligently understand reasons for SDA faith FE 162
 will be brought into distressing perplexities CT 327
 minds of SDA, filled with nonsense 1T 496
 misjudged, may be best material for gospel workers GW 208
 mistaking strong and uncontrolled passion for strength of character are many 4T 656
 modern: are sure index to future of society CG 440; CH 112; Te 186
 called to fidelity to principles of temperance PK 488
 called to meet momentous issues Ed 225
 Daniel and companions as examples for 4T 570; Te 272
 educated to believe that money makes the man SD 236
 fearful state of, one of strongest signs of last days 4T 199
 feebleness and inefficiency of 5T 43
 great need of reverence in CG 546
 have no true sense of their great danger 5T 105
 have same help from God as Daniel did PK 490
 imagine that yielding to parental authority is evidence of weakness SD 143
 lesson from Christ’s childhood and youth for SD 135
 may be as precious in God’s sight as Samuel was PP 574
 may be educated for fulfillment of high and holy purposes SD 78
 may have spirit that possessed Daniel PK 489
 mighty truths which God desires to reveal through PK 490
 most of, will come short of everlasting life 2T 144
 study inclination SD 143
 why, are not religiously inclined 1T 546; 2T 701
 why there is so little purity and moral worth among 2SM 435
 most blundering, follow Luke 6:31 in dealing with Ed 292-3
 teacher should not needlessly wound self-respect of 5T 30
 most difficult, to control in schools CG 242
 most promising SDA, have offered their best ability at shrine of idols FE 232
 moving from impulse rather than judgment are many 7BC 915
 naturally impatient of control GC 584
 needing: correction should be led to seek better things Ed 296-7
 hand stretched out in sympathy MH 354-5
 neglected and much-to-be-pitied FE 53