7. Classes of
 professing to be Christians without sufficiently trying their motives 1T 161-2
 professing to believe truth, alarming frivolity of 1T 496
 promising: church officers’ duty to 9T 77
 could earn money for schooling by selling Christ’s Object Lessons 9T 78
 entangled in web by Satan are many 5T 105
 led astray by irreligious associates 5T 186
 plunge into vortex of dissipation and crime CT 300
 should be trained as nurses and physicians CH 506-7
 proud of independence in cherishing infidelity 5T 186-7
 pursuing life of vanity, levity, and pride 3T 363
 qualified for gospel work should not be bound down to mechanical employment 8T 229-30
 questioning and doubting Testimonies, warning to 5T 672
 reaching manhood, great dangers of CH 363
 reared in element of arbitrary restraint and harshness 5T 88
 rebellious and disobedient, warnings to 1T 497-8
 rebellious and ungrateful, new earth will have no place for 1T 497-8
 reckless: anguish and tears caused parents by 1T 512
 in conversation are many 1T 499
 plant thorns in breasts of those who love them 1T 512
 refreshed by hour of prayer 4T 624
 refusing to listen to counsel re courtship and marriage MYP 456-7
 regarding with levity or contempt their early vows of consecration to God, sin of 5T 40
 rejecting light now shining on them, grievous sin of 3T 380
 rejecting light of truth will be judged more severely than unenlightened heathen 3T 365-6
 repining SD 336
 resisting temptation, God promises strength of purpose and power to AH 464
 respectful and polite, truth makes AH 422
 restless because they do not seek only true source of happiness 1T 504
 right, mighty influence could be swayed by 1T 511
 rough and rebellious 4T 624
 royal line of, who are world’s true nobility Ed 254-5
 ruin of many, may be traced directly to wrong management of parents 4T 199
 Sabbathkeeping 1T 154-64
 given to pleasure-seeking 1T 496
 yielding to world’s influence must be tested and proved CT 327
 sadly deceived are many 1T 160
 sailing in dangerous waters without pilot MYP 443
 satisfied to feed on husks MYP 356
 scarcely in teens, dating by 2T 460
 scores of SDA, need advantages of training in SDA schools CT 68
 seeing no danger in forbidden pleasures MYP 82
 seeking: constantly to satisfy desire for amusement 1T 496
 God’s approval will not meet life record with shame and dismay MYP 44
 money for sinful indulgences fall into dishonest practices 6T 254
 true happiness ML 156; 1T 503-4
 select, should be connected with God’s work 4T 205
 self-deceived 2T 288-91
 self-deception is upon many 2T 289
 self-important, SDA have too many LS 275
 self-willed, grieve parents MYP 333