30. Miscellaneous
 naturally given to folly 1T 401
 Satan generally controls 2T 460
 Satan has almost complete control of 1T 217
 mistakes made by, in their life discipline SD 117
 mistaken impression received by 3T 222
 much opposed to order and discipline CG 111; Ev 651; SD 114
 must render account for good they might have done 2T 179
 neatness and thoroughness should be required of MM 175
 neglect of duty by, is marked in book of God 3T 364
 no man can tell which, would be most promising 6T 197
 no one can do more for temperance cause than CH 441
 not all, can grasp ideas quickly CT 552
 not free to choose what they will without consulting God’s will 5T 85
 not one in 100, feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115
 old age is no more respected by many 1T 217-8
 one act of disobedience has blighted lives of many 5T 125
 one of greatest deceptions that fastens upon 3T 375
 pathway of, bright beams of heaven’s light shine on MYP 32
 Paul exhorts, to sobriety 1T 499
 pearl of great price is offered to 4T 625
 persons qualified to mold character of, must be learners in school of Christ FE 191
 Peter exhorts, to be clothed with humility AA 527-8
 placed on trial in world MYP 409
 powers of, are mostly dormant MYP 256
 powerful influence for good can be exerted by 1T 485
 precious grace rarely seen in ML 56
 prevailing influence in world is to let, follow natural turn of mind 1T 403
 pride and folly of, guilt of parents who flatter 2T 180
 pride in 2T 173-83
 principles adopted by, affect their future usefulness 5T 545
 principles to be cultivated by, must be kept before them in their daily education 5T 525
 probation of, will soon close 1T 511
 reason and judgment of, blind impulse often controls 5T 110
 ready to pass lightly ever hasty and impatient speech Ed 236
 reap as they have sown FE 191, 542; 3T 363; 4T 117
 resolve of, should be to put his strength, time, and intellect to highest use Ed 57
 restless prodigal, looked upon his father as stern and severe COL 204
 reverence due by, during church services MYP 265-7
 right temperance principles should be implanted in 3T 567
 ruin of, divided state of will is ML 73
 SS offers precious opportunities and privileges to CSW 52-3
 sacred music is not congenial to taste of many 1T 506
 Satan claims, as his property MYP 407
 Satan is more sure of the man when he gets the 4T 421
 second consideration of, should be to be faithful to humanity 3T 195
 self-indulgence allures, from path of holiness 5T 41-2
 self-restraint and purity in, urgent demand for Ed 228
 sin is alarmingly prevalent among MYP 23
 skepticism and infidelity in, foremost cause of Ed 260
 some seek something to enliven and divert their mind MYP 368