30. Miscellaneous
 sowing in field of life 4T 117
 spare time of, use of 1T 503
 spirit of independence and self-confidence in, rebuked 2T 307-8
 study countenances of others 4T 621
 sunshine may be brought to hearts and lives of the aged by MH 204
 tears caused to flow by 1T 512
 themes of meditation for 1T 504
 true ideal for FE 541-5
 true motives of service should be kept before FE 543
 truths of God’s word will judge, in last days 1T 498
 unsanctified hearts of, words that find response in 4T 654
 unwilling to submit to proper authority because of defective home training FE 62
 victories over, Satan exultingly displays his FE 52
 voices of others influence 4T 621
 ways in which God is dishonored by 1T 499
 warned against: debasing thoughts SD 78
 evils of beer, wine, and strong drink 5T 510
 forwardness in conversation CG 144
 frivolous conversation 2T 180
 indulgence in carelessness and levity 3T 374
 love of dress for display 3T 370
 needless repining and unhappy discontent 3T 222
 EGW’s labors for LS 260
 EGW’s last message to FE 547-9; LS 448
 why skepticism is captivating to MH 439
 why so many grave mistakes are made by CT 223
 why teaching of Scripture has no greater effect upon Ed 259
 wicked deeds of, not forgotten or overlooked by God 5T 523-4
 wild and reckless character of, is heart-sickening 4T 435
 words and actions of, attending angel records 3T 363
 that make angels weep 1T 505-6
 words of, are written in book 1T 158
 recording angel writes down 2T 460
 world’s, special work needed to save 6T 254-5
 wrong habits formed by, cannot be easily and suddenly changed later PP 622
 See also Child; Student; Young man; Young woman