1. Christ’s DA 328-31; 4T 241
 bearing of, is pleasure and joy MYP 138
 Christian must wear in business HP 201:4
 does not permit believers to pull apart from each other 9T 258
 easy because He carries its weight SD 81
 happiness found in bearing 3T 335-6; 4T 224
 helps man in bearing his load and lightens it DA 331
 invitation to bear 4T 241
 makes life a pleasure and joy SD 245
 man cannot follow Christ without wearing His SD 69
 many people have refused to wear WM 223
 must be accepted in order to be saved 3T 457
 not a hindrance to Christian MYP 138
 not galling to: neck 5BC 1091
 true Christian 5T 220
 peace found in bearing 3T 385
 person who finds, easy SL 82
 persons who will not wear, will not receive streams of God’s grace WM 307
 rest and joy found in wearing TDG 200:4
 rest found in bearing 3T 385; 4T 224
 restraint and obedience are LHU 55:3
 self-denial and sacrifice for others as 3T 384
 submit your stubborn neck to 4T 105
 wearing, humbly trusting in God and His Word is TMK 147:4
 means to work as copartner with Him 5BC 1092
 unites man with Him 5BC 1090
 weight of, borne by Him on cross 6T 247
 when a person wears SD 71
 yoke of: obedience 5BC 1090; Ev 58; MB 101; 6T 214
 restraint 5BC 1090; Ev 58; 6T 214, 476
 service MB 101