1. Classes of
 averse to housework 1T 686
 away from home need interest and care FE 51
 becoming invalids for life after receiving education 3T 150
 bold and forward, demoralizing influence of 5T 111
 breaking away from slavery of fashion will be ornaments to society MYP 353
 connected with SDA institutions should keep strict guard over themselves MM 218
 consecrated and earnest, needed in God’s work CT 537-8
 engaged in gospel work should learn other languages 3T 204
 failing to realize that other eyes are upon them GW 129
 fashionably dressed, who are only useless ornaments 4T 644
 forward, neither need nor deserve favors MM 146
 warnings re MM 145
 given to corrupt conversations should be dismissed from SDA institutions CH 295
 injuring influence of young ministers GW 129
 invalid MM 106-7
 letting her mind dwell too much on boys 2T 324
 marrying unprepared for duties of wife and mother MH 302
 neglecting education more essential for practical life than study of books 3T 150
 not one in 20 SDA, heed Bible teachings 1T 498
 not swayed by circumstances, need of CT 537
 preserving delicate paleness of hands and faces 3T 151
 professing to be Christians but are practically ignorant of Christ’s will MYP 356
 regarding housework as degrading are many Ed 215; 3T 158
 serving as gospel workers, wonderful mission of Ev 467
 some, are merely useless creatures 1T 394
 strong and active, God needs CT 538
 thinking they are invalids, duty of MM 106-7
 thinking they are too feeble to do housework 3T 151
 transgressing fifth commandment are not Christians 3T 151
 truly converted, lose longings for frivolous excitement FE 455
 unconsecrated, should not be teachers of children and youth FE 266, 269
 unconverted, among SDA are many GW 207
 very sociable, young ministers’ duty to GW 129
 working in SDA restaurants: need shepherd 7T 118
 should be under care of judicious and godly matron 7T 119
 working in SDA sanitariums, conduct of MM 218