
 Wretchedness, each person possesses in himself the source of his own 5T 487
 human, neglect that greatly contributes to PP 158
 inexpressible, Adam’s sin resulted in 4T 251
 of children living in city slums MH 189-90
 of worshipers of idols PK 185
 prevailing, causes of CT 275-6; MH 183-4
 resulting from ignorance CD 40; MYP 218
 sum of life’s, little things which help compose 2T 133
 world’s, appeals constantly to Christian’s compassion CS 161
 See also Affliction; Distress; Misery; Misfortune; Pain; Sorrow; Suffering; Trouble
 courtesy neglected brings 3SM 240:4
 seeing Christ reach depths of, appreciation by TMK 287:3