1. Seventh-day Adventist
 book See Book author
 careless and heedless, disqualifies himself 9T 241
 duty of: in dealing with opponents TM 248
 re civil authorities AA 69
 re Roman Catholics CW 65
 essential delays that may seem tedious to CW 157
 every sentence by, should be true and sincere CW 99
 should mean something definite CW 99
 faultfinding and antagonistic spirit should not be manifest by CW 66
 financial rights of, to profits from writings CW 165; 5T 563-6; 7T 176-8; 9T 73
 giving too much attention to minute points destroy reader’s interest 3T 35-6
 health of 1T 520
 how, may hold reader’s interest 3T 35-6
 minister who would be 3T 558-9
 mistake of. in not taking physical exercise MH 309
 most essential points of truth often obscured by, giving attention to every minute point 3T 35-6
 must not be tedious in argument 3T 35
 must not make points blind that are plain 3T 35
 must write for people where they are CW 87
 need to: beware lest they be tedious 3T 211
 educate themselves to come at once to point of their discourses 3T 211
 study brevity to interest reader 2T 671
 tell that Christ intercedes for man 6T 123
 write guardedly 5T 517; TM 219, 253
 pens of, should be under Spirit’s control CW 19
 periodical See Periodical writer
 persons offended when not recognized as CW 161
 positions of believers or unbelievers should not be ridiculed by TM 219
 railing should not be used by TM 222
 ready, gospel worker may be 9T 144
 refrain from writing when only your feelings and mind prompt you 5T 517
 Sabbath must be brought before people by Ev 281
 should attend fewer committee meetings 7T 247
 should be: careful how they use pens TM 219
 close students of God’s word 3T 559
 should not appear antagonistic to government and law 6T 394
 should not dwell too much on the minute 3T 35
 should not laud or extol any human being CW 19
 spirit of, reader almost unconsciously influenced by 7T 203
 spirit of truth and righteousness should control TM 248
 thought and careful study should be given by, to what is to be immortalized in print 5T 516
 two, who spoke as they were moved by Spirit CW 28
 unkind thrusts and allusions should not be made by 9T 240-1
 use of E.G. White statements by CW 153
 use your pen if Spirit moves you to write 5T 517
 who disqualify themselves for God’s work 9T 241
 who eat bread from heaven CW 18
 who make world of one or two items of theory CW 154
 who thought his writing was slighted by publisher 2T 110
 who was naturally inclined to shun responsibilities 3T 495