2. Miscellaneous
 confused re meaning of religion, Bible must not be made secondary to FE 404
 dissolute, students endangered by studying writings of CT 26
 early Christian, quoted on pagan persecution SR 321
 fanciful interpretations of Bible subjects by CT 187
 greatest, attaching weighty importance to FE 407
 having no regard for principles of morality, youth imperiled by study of works of Ed 226-7
 heathen See Heathen writer
 human, mastery of works of COL 113
 ministers should not seek ideas chiefly from GW 251
 inferior, schools should not study CT 31
 infidel: God as originator of bright gems of thought presented by FE 167
 no need to seek knowledge from 8T 311
 See also Infidel author
 lack of strict temperance imperils MH 211; 6T 256
 learned, study of God’s word must not be neglected for study of works of FE 445
 many, SDA teachers who require students to study works of 1SM 245
 modern, study of Ed 226-7
 most celebrated secular, study of writings of MYP 256
 mother’s work as compared with that of MH 378
 of Bible See Scriptures
 pagan, warning against study of works of Ed 226-7; 8T 306 See also Pagan author
 popular, do not show students way to eternal life FE 381
 reputedly great, teachers are not directed to study 6T 159-60
 sensational, youth educated in crime by MH 444-5
 separating minds from Source of wisdom, education is not study of FE 388
 study of many, learned men enthused with satanic theories by 9T 67-8
 mind confused and wearied by FE 446
 teaching infidelity: not necessary to study the works of 8T 306
 should not be studied in SDA colleges FE 167
 turn from FE 172-3
 teaching pantheism, do not read writings of Ev 623
 ungodly, students influenced by books of CT 368
 what study of able, cannot do for ministers 1T 433-4
 wicked principles disguised in beautiful language by some Ed 227
 world’s great, Christ must not be supplanted in SDA schools by suppositions of 6T 160
 worldly, SDA papers should not constantly refer to CW 117
 works of, that are studied in SDA schools FE 381-9
 writing on health, read the best CH 566; GW 242
 See also Author