Writing, Writings

 1. Seventh-day Adventist
 accomplished, minister’s true honor and glory is not in amount of his 4T 416
 brevity in, study to interest reader by 2T 671
 burden of, young ministers do not have 3T 558
 by ministers 4T 264-6
 Corliss’s (J. O.), that should be reproduced CW 28
 devoting Sabbath regularly to, dishonors God 4T 539
 do not engage in, when mind is tired Ev 181
 evangelists’ duty re, during public effort Ev 656-7
 free and easy style needed in GW 169; 2T 671
 Haskell’s (S. N.), that should be reproduced CW 28
 incessant, unfits minister for pastoral work GW 337; 4T 265
 ministers cautioned against overwork in Ev 659
 ministers must not apply themselves too closely to 4T 264
 ministers should be proficient in TM 194
 of pioneer standard-bearers, reprint CW 28, 32; 1SM 161
 simplicity and ease in, cultivate 2T 671
 talent for, duty of ministers who have CW 85
 truth presented in easy style of, backed up with a few strong proofs is best 3T 36
 weed out of, everything appearing antagonistic to law and order 6T 394
 JW’s, how people were affected by moods of 3T 96-7
 2. Miscellaneous
 ability for, as spiritual gift 9T 144
 art of, should have rightful place in SDA schools CT 218
 children should be taught CT 168-9
 correct use of language in, students should be taught CT 207, 216
 extensive knowledge of historical and theological, not essential to Christian work MH 441
 first examples in, called “coarse-hand” 2SG 11
 in clear and fair hand, is necessary accomplishment CT 218
 kinds of, which endanger students CT 187
 learn art of correct, before attempting higher branches of literary knowledge CT 219
 many persons who think they have finished their education are faulty in CT 215
 miss. work by, to friends ChS 28
 of all connected with SDA work should be closely criticized CW 158
 of God’s witnesses during Dark Ages were suppressed, misrepresented, and mutilated SR 335
 of great men of past are not safe guide MM 99
 of Greek and Roman classical writers youth not safe under educators using FE 98
 of infidels: contain some elevating thoughts FE 175
 should not be used in education MH 440
 use of, dangerous in SDA schools CT 26-7
 See also Infidel author
 of pagans: contain some elevating thoughts FE 175
 use of, dangerous in SDA schools CT 26-7
 of persons who deny God’s existence, good education does not require knowledge of FE 173
 of uninspired men, mind becomes dwarfed and cheapened by feeding only on ML 107
 SDA can serve as diligent workers in ChS 28
 strictly historical, that lead to crime and licentiousness CM 143; CT 133
 tame and fruitless, cause of many MH 309