
 Aaron PP 425-6; 3T 293-304
 angels instructed PP 257; 3SG 196
 chronology re:
 83 years old at Exodus PP 425
 123 years old at death PP 425
 three years older than Moses PP 254; 3SG 193, 196
 death and burial of PP 424-7; 4aSG 40; SR 168-9; 3T 293
 disappointment of PP 392
 Egyptian spoken perfectly by PP 254; 3SG 193
 eloquent 3SG 193
 faith of, effort to stagger 1T 292
 high priest PP 350-9, 426
 type of Christ COL 148; GW 34; PP 351, 426
 in God's presence on Sinai PP 425
 interceded for the rebellious PP 426; SR 160; 4T 151; 5T 377-8
 jealous of Moses PP 382-5; 4aSG 19-21
 leadership of PP 382, 425-6; 3SG 197-8; 3T 339
 in Moses' absence PP 313, 316; 3T 296
 march of, in front of ark 1T 651
 miracles wrought by See Rod, of Aaron
 Moses aided by PP 254, 257; 3SG 196-7
 Moses' arms supported in battle by PP 299, 425; 1T 527; 2T 108; 4T 531; 5T 162
 Moses' intercession spared PP 323
 mourning of sons' death by, forbidden 5BC 1105; PP 361; 4aSG 12
 murmurings against PP 303, 389, 405, 414-7; 2T 107; 3T 347, 56; 5T 377
 murmurings of, disloyalty in PP 384
 parental laxity of PP 360; 3T 294-5
 patient in affliction 3T 295
 plot to slay PP 402; 3T 355
 priesthood of PK 304; PP 350, 359, 383, 395, 403, 425-6, 579; 4aSG 28; 3T 344
 priestly robes of, symbolic 6T 96
 prophet PP 382, 385
 repentance of PP 323, 419
 rod of See Rod, of Aaron
 sin of, at Meribah 1BC 1115-6; FE 509; PP 417-21, 426; 4aSG 40; 3T 301-2; 4T 369
 kept him out of Canaan 3BC 1166; PP 419-20, 425-6; SR 168-9; 4T 370
 repeated at Battle Creek 4T 514-5
 sons of See Abihu; Eleazar; Nadab; Phinehas
 strength and weaknesses of CT 351; PP 316, 323, 360, 383; 3T 293-4, 296, 298, 303, 340-2
 type of Christ TMK 74:2
 weakness of, in accepting opinions of others OHC 341:3