2. Before sinning (activities)
 angels instructed Ed 21; EW 147; 3SG 34; SR 21
 re employment EW 147
 re plan of salvation 3SG 52; SR 47-8, 56
 re Satan’s rebellion and fall EW 147; 3SG 39
 communed with: angels AH 26; DA 117; Ed 21; EW 147; MYP 255; PP 50, 56; 3SG 34, 39, 52; 1SM 268, 280; SR 21, 29, 47-8, 56
 Christ under trees DA 290
 companionship of God enjoyed by PP 56
 created to be useful and not idle CT 273; Ed 21; PP 50; 2T 522
 Creator’s visits greeted with joy by MH 261
 education of, God’s plan for Ed 14-7, 20-2
 garden of Eden tended by AH 27; CD 396; CT 147, 273-4; Ed 21, 219; FE 326, 419, 512-3; GC 648; MH 261; PP 47, 50; 2SM 355; 3T 153
 nature studied by COL 18; CT 54, 186; Ed 16-7, 21, 100; MH 261; PP 50-1; 1SM 290; 8T 255
 school of Ed 20-1; FE 314; SR 22-3
 family school Ed 33
 separation of, forbidden in work EW 147; PP 53; 3SG 39; SR 31
 sights and sounds of Eden delighted MH 261
 songs of praise sung to God by PP 50, 52; SR 22
 tilling of soil learned by FE 314
 universe’s mysteries open to PP 50-1
 useful occupation was blessing to Ed 21
 work assigned to AH 27; CG 127, 345; FE 314; SR 21; 1T 568; 4T 410; TM 243
 pleasant and healthful CT 274; FE 314, 513; MH 261; PK 730; PP 50; SR 21
 worlds innumerable studied by Ed 21; PP 51