Ability, Abilities

 adapt, to needs 3T 496
 abuse of, vigor lost forever by TDG 350:2
 acceptance by God depends not on, but in seeking Him AG 67:5
 accountable to God for, HP 217:5, 224:1; Mar 122:3; RC 299:7
 whether lowly or great TMK 324:3
 all have, to do something for God OHC 194:3
 all to work according to TDG 30:5
 appreciation for,
 as gifts when used to draw others TDG 90:3
 as lent capital for God's glory TMK 88:4
 assuming credit for OHC 114:3
 attachments (unwise) seriously affect 1MCP 302:1
 balance needed among, but sacrificed by appetite Con 80:0
 belong to God, OHC 290:3
 and are to be used for Him RC 202:4
 He has bought us TDG 71:5
 benumbed, aroused by God to do a great work 1MCP 198:3
 best of,
 God has place for SD 284
 work to AA 111; GW 244; 5T 204, 461, 568, 724; 9T 186, 221
 blinded with selfish ease and love of the world UL 18:4
 bring all, into the religious life RC 355:5
 Christ has purchased; shall we indulge appetite? Con 79:2
 church made of people with different TMK 329:4
 clouded by disease cause fanaticism, indifference RC 161:2
 consecrate your FE 216; 8T 55
 consecration of,
 and improvement by grace 2MCP 686:3
 and of means PM 47:2
 control, by steadfast principles Ed 225
 corruption of, position which brings about 2MCP 792:3
 crucifying self by using, strengthens graces in us TMK 118:5
 cultivate 4T 415; 5T 721
 agriculture needs TM 244
 dearth of FE 256
 makes us useful GW 269
 rightly use MYP 165
 Satan tries to use man's FE 258; 5T 521
 cultivation of, to do greatest amount of good TMK 86:4
 Daniel's friends knew that they owed every, to God HP 149:2
 demonstration of, before giving responsibility PM 79:1
 depending on, danger for workers TDG 80:4
 depend more on God than on your 3T 323
 development of,
 as invested talent TDG 208:4
 balanced (mental and moral) 2MCP 374:2
 before expecting God's miracles VSS 180:1
 by living by every Word of God OHC 36:3
 for highest excellence TDG 90:2