1. Aspirations of
 ambition allures, from path of holiness 5T 41-2
 God does not bid, to be less aspiring MH 396; PP 602
 God would have, reach highest round of ladder CG 167
 heights may be reached by, that now seem impossible ML 268
 high standard of attainments that may be reached by 3T 367
 highest honor to which, can attain ML 73; SD 294
 it is right for, to feel need of reaching highest development of mental powers 8T 311
 to feel they must reach highest development of their natural powers FE 541
 may acquire that which gold cannot buy SD 78
 nothing wrong with great aspirations of MYP 36
 seeking highest development of mental power by, is right MH 449
 standard set before, should be high CT 354
 See also Ambition