15. Moral problems of
 both sexes of, engage in moral pollution 2T 347
 brain of, weakened by indulgence of animal passions 2T 477
 depravity among, is increasing Te 234; 5T 112
 idleness leads many, to evil and degrading practices PP 601
 to indulgence of corrupt habits 2T 349
 idleness produces licentious habits in 2T 349
 knowledge of secret vice passed from youth to 2T 392
 monastic life was demoralizing and corrupting to GC 82
 moral atmosphere operating almost insensibly upon, to poison and ruin 3T 125-6
 moral pollution corrupts many, at early age MYP 369
 morals of: corrupted by vicious association 4T 140
 corrupted less in country 4T 136
 liquor traffic imperils Te 205
 Satan’s most effective means of weakening minds and corrupting CW 134
 passions of, Satan tries to inflame CG 440
 profligacy of, almost incredible 5T 78
 parental responsibility for 5T 78
 Satan seeks to corrupt and debase every FE 90
 secret vice in, destroys and defaces God’s image in them 5T 78
 sensuality in 2T 390-411
 sent by father to school, illustration of SD 322
 sex problem among 1T 401
 sins characterizing people of Sodom exist among 5T 78
 See also Secret vice