Ability, Abilities

 for usefulness here and heaven TMK 86:2
 helping restricted ones in TDG 345:6
 only by wise use of powers 2MCP 433:4
 or giving them to Satan LYL 53:5
 to become more efficient workers CC 263:3
 to comprehend and do God's will TMK 124:4
 under God TDG 16:5
 devotion of,
 to commonplace things; souls are valuable TDG 271:2
 to seeking strength and knowledge TMK 136:3
 differences of, among believers to be complementary OHC 169:2
 directed and sanctified by Christ's work in us TDG 219:3
 disciplined, qualify for great service HP 229:4
 efficient by discipline during cleansing of sanctuary RC 296:6
 eternal consequences of rightly using all TDG 22:7
 executive, God gives UL 74:3
 exercise of, efficiency increased by Ev 653
 extolling, exalting self by TDG 132:2
 extraordinary, not necessary in God's work SC 83
 failure to gain, eternal loss from COL 363
 financial, given by God AA 75
 full measure according to, expected TMK 329:4
 for God's service OHC 284:3
 for God's work; self-exaltation wrong TDG 193:3
 for use in imparting knowledge and grace TMK 88:5
 in different degrees; God places them 2MCP 423:3
 not to be lightly esteemed UL 237:6
 to be improved for God TMK 87:3
 to represent the Lord's works to the obedient 2MCP 786:1
 to show God's spirit by helping others TMK 113:4
 to use for God TMK 90:3
 claims, and purchased FLB 30:5
 has given, and cooperates with the gifts FW 26:1
 has given, to use as talents for Him 2MCP 738:0
 has no lack of—lack of faith brings shadows TMK 273:3
 places us where best, may be developed and used TMK 278:4
 turns, into profitable channels OHC 90:4
 God's ownership of, lost sight of is embezzling HP 302:4
 gospel workers have more, than training TM 194
 great, gospel work requires not MH 355
 great natural,
 failure of men of CH 367; 4T 539
 needs great improvement 4T 443
 greatest, carries heaviest obligation CS 116
 Holy Spirit,
 brings, into Christ's service TMK 57:3
 sanctifies, as we trust God TMK 231:2