Ability, Abilities

 owned by ourselves in relation to others OHC 40:2
 people with, usually do not devote them to the Giver OHC 288:2
 perverted and wasted when spent leading away from God 1MCP 31:0
 physical, mental, and spiritual, needed in gospel work CS 117
 physical or mental, abuse of CC 35:4
 preparation of people to stand requires every iota of HP 167:3
 purified from sin and trained for service TDG 307:2
 rare natural, children who possess CG 37
 reading, debasing, wrecks OHC 202:3
 received, to be improved in service TDG 168:2
 reduced by allowing another to think for you 2MCP 667:1
 religion has power to persuade, entreat, and command OHC 333:3
 religious, crippled by worldly influences OHC 71:3
 response for, lent by God TMK 81:2
 sacred trust, UL 246:5
 not produced by ourselves TMK 176:3
 treasure to use for others UL 243:4
 but new ones not given, in work of leaven 1MCP 67:2
 devoted by agents of God TDG 51:2
 God's work needs CW 23; 9T 32
 Scripture study endows, with new power OHC 35:4
 exalted by talking of HP 221:6
 not to be served with HP 221:5
 soul winning with, elevated from low standard LYL 27:1
 spiritual, physical and mental, are for God's cause TMK 324:3
 spiritual, quickened when Holy Spirit moves LHU 124:2
 stewardship of, to be understood OHC 40:3
 stirred by business entanglements UL 72:5
 strengthened by Bible study 1MCP 93:2
 striving for best use of, honored by divine power 2MCP 738:0
 taken into courts above AG 60:4
 talents entrusted according to TDG 208:3
 tested first by small duties 2T 249-50
 testify of a living God OHC 250:2
 to learn truth, exercise CW 45
 to plan and work harmoniously requires Ev 95
 to work for God, how men lose FE 346
 train and improve, to influence others for Christ OHC 290:4
 treatment of, transgressing nature's laws 3SM 284:2
 trust granted according to TMK 329:2
 grasped gives vigor to OHC 106:5
 awakens, in obedient heart TDG 169:4
 gives vigor to OHC 31:3
 sanctifies HP 21:4
 unsanctified MYP 43; 3T 22-32
 dangerous to gospel worker 5T 570