Ability, Abilities

 degenerate 6T 425
 worth little 6T 179
 use of,
 according to the divine purpose TDG 318:2
 accountability for CH 244; ChS 13; CT 337; FE 52; LS 337; 3T 222; WM 89
 all UL 66:6
 conscious, required of youth 2MCP 433:4
 effectively in God's work TDG 33:2
 fearful FE 83
 for selfish ends RC 346:3
 in cooperation with divine power UL 71:3
 in God's service RC 154:2
 in letting light shine HP 318:5
 in soul saving UL 379:6
 learn to make best Ev 667
 makes them pliable TDG 45:3
 measure of true manhood RC 157:4
 only for things of this life, not for souls TDG 218:4
 right through grace of Christ OHC 206:4
 teach men how to make 4T 509-10
 that we may be delivered from the wicked TDG 336:4
 to God's glory; restore God's image TDG 90:2
 to honor God in uplifting humanity OHC 266:2
 with endless results in mind TMK 321:5
 valueless unless one is moving forward to victory 2MCP 577:4
 wisdom given to use, to help God and humanity HP 141:3
 Word of God,
 gives vigor to HP 135:4
 strengthens, in schools for the colored SW 49:1
 studied gives new power to 1MCP 98:1
 according to own, not following another's mind 2MCP 427:3
 given according to PM 100:1; TDG 98:2
 given to develop TDG 133:2
 requires exercising everyone's TDG 71:4
 workers in character building HP 47:4
 workers to have self-denial to allow money for TDG 349:5
 wrong use of, in either abstraction, or idle bustle TDG 33:2
 given, to strengthen by action TDG 190:4
 should improve every TMK 233:3
 See also Capability; Gifts; Mental ability; Powers; Skills; Strength; Talent(s)