EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
    character weighed in balances at RC 303.5
       admired at, by believers FW 115.2
       at, as King clothed in white, not as prisoner AG 358.2
       comes as King, not as prisoner at Mar 282.8
       comes in glory of Himself, Father and angels at OHC 367.3
       crowns faithful who blessed others at RC 22.5
       honored and exalted at HP 35.3
       not to reign as a temporal prince at FLB 351.5
       personally revealed at HP 357.3
       receives His followers at TMK 54.5
       to judge the world in righteousness at Mar 22.3
       wears white garment at, not purple robe OHC 367.3
       divinity at, compared to His humility at death HP 358.3
       image reflected by redeemed at TMK 61.5
    church stands only in Christ near time of TMK 114.4
    cities to be warned of; EGW’s desire RC 241.2
    clean in lips and heart at VSS 150.1
    cloud carrying Jesus at, will appear in the east Mar 287.8