EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
    consternation of unprepared at TSB 90.2
    contrasted with humility of first advent HP 357.3
    conviction brought to every heart at Mar 292.5
    could have already occurred (1913) AG 353.3
    crowns await those longing for Mar 309.4
    dead raised at, to glorious immortality FW 74.2
       cause Christ not to be received at TMK 54.2
       those accepting, will perish at TDG 248.2
    delay of, TMK 348
       because few let lights burn Mar 55.5
       by work not done in the church AG 353.3
       God’s purposes in TMK 358.4
       unfaithful servant spoke of RC 258.3
    described UL 261
    desire for, seeing deceptive power of the enemy TDG 198.4
    desire to warn others of TDG 181.3
    disasters proclaiming, attributed to wrong cause Mar 175.4
    doctrine of, to be seen in the daily life HP 309.4
    duty to be considered in light of TDG 296.2