EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
(apart), believers in third angel’s message not to draw
3SM 21.2
Christ is with those standing apparently
TMK 203.4
Christian standing, amid opposition is like forest tree
TDG 47.5
faithful souls often have to stand
3T 302
Holy Spirit promised to abide with us so we are not
FLB 57.6
Jacob was, and tortured by his past
TDG 323.2
John placed, to sanctify ear and heart to gain truth
OHC 315.2
living, neglecting own convenience and health
RY 128.0
man who must go to heaven
1T 215
God takes deep interest in you (Edson)
TDG 184.3
preferring to work, but Jesus sent disciples by twos
PM 294
time coming when we must be separated and stand
TDG 93.2
what we do and say while witnessing
SD 37