EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    sale of Christ’s Object Lessons has sale of Christ’s Object Lessons has 6T 471
    sanitarium workers who are faithful have 8T 155
    seekers for light and truth have 6BC 1057;CSW 37;
    servants of God meeting opposition have 9T 148
    souls in hard places may have 2SM 205
    sowers of dissension and strife have not 7BC 940-1
    special, keep close to God to ensure 2T 171
    struggle to:
       overcome Satan has 1T 301, 346
       overcome sin has 4T 343
       overcome unruly tongue has 2T 82
       overcome wrong habits has MYP 27
    teachers faithful in work have CT 266;FE 519;
    teachers may have, in child training CT 148-9;FE 420, 519;
    temperance workers have Te 239
    tried and tempted souls have MB 119;1SM 96;2T 591;
    uplifting humanity has DA 551
    victory over powers of evil is won by SD 53
    witnessing for Christ has 8T 18