EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    work to save outcasts has 8T 73
5. Description of
    all-powerful DA 700
    appearance of,
       as flames of fire SR 139
       sometimes veiled ML 304
    awe people who see them 1T 410
    beautiful and triumphant sons of God DA 739
    brightness and glory of, devils held in check by 5T 475
    cherubic symbols of See Cherubim
    countenance of, mild and happy SR 13
    divisions of, under commanders EW 145;GC 630;3SG 37;SR 17;
    exalted, refined, and holy 1T 415, 428;2T 171, 258, 564;
    faces veiled by,
       in God’s presence MB 106;PP 252;
       when speaking God’s name Ed 243;GW 178;PK 49, 236;1T 410;
    garments of,
       armor of heaven 2SG 277;1T 346;