EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    soft touch and pleasant voice of PK 166
    stature of, not as tall as Christ 7BC 904;GC 645-6;4aSG 115;
    subordinate in heaven 3T 325
    superior to man in nature GC 511
    superior to men in character and rank SC 77
    swift in flight GC 512;MB 119;PP 34;
    tender, pitying, loving, and ministering 3T 231
    unity between Creator and, perfect MB 109
    unveiled glory of,
       men cannot endure 1SM 96-7
    wings of,
       spread about God’s people EW 39
       wafted over God’s people to scatter darkness 1T 180
       wafted over God’s persecuted children EW 242
    wiser than Satan 5T 504
    work together harmoniously Ev 115;1T 649;TM 28;
    workers CG 353;CT 280;PP 50;
    yoke of obedience worn by 5BC 1136
    yoke of obligation worn by 4T 120