EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    Bible study attended by, to impress hearts with truth TDG 174.3
    blessings from,
       attend God’s plan for settling injuries UL 106.3
       in response to prayers RC 121.5
       which we are to give to others TDG 342.6
    called to our side through faith and prayer OHC 23.5
    care of, for humans, taught by many Bible stories HP 103.2
    careless ones cause, to turn away Mar 39.3
    certainty of, EGW accepted, as she spoke VSS 396.0
       development watched by FLB 120.5;TMK 233.3;
       measured by TDG 101.2
       worth evaluated by, for judgment LHU 326.3
    children drawn to Christ by, when kind words spoken to them TDG 111.2
    choir in two columns of, joined by redeemed 3SM 431.3
       and His trophies welcomed by HP 332.5
       as earnest suppliant watched by HP 76.2
       came without; He stepped down from command LHU 38.3
       could have had legions of TMK 36.3;UL 39.3;