EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    enable trusting Christians to fight against evil OHC 311.2
    encompassed with TMK 328.3
    enemies of God recognize, as helpers of the true church UL 69.4
    Ethiopian seen by, studying Scriptures UL 130.2
    every, would be sent to rescue one who depends on Christ HP 98.5
    everyone watched by good and evil UL 84.2
    evil, dead impersonated by LDE 161
    excellence of, approached by humans through grace OHC 218.3
    fall of most glorious, from desire for supremacy TDG 309.4
    Father could not be revealed to fallen man by TMK 18.4
    few think of UL 84.2
    follow us all HP 100.2
    food eaten by, as strangers UL 84.4
    food of, provided TDG 237.2
    glad to see our acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice UL 47.6
    glory of, would extinguish human power HP 366.3
       communicates through CC 20.7
       has committed, to destroy Satan’s power TDG 28.5
       purposed, to be temples for the Creator HP 191.2