EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
       for striving Christians UL 246.5
       for those who hold to Christ in humility TSB 127.3
       for those who refuse evil HP 99.2
       from poisons of temptation OHC 126.3
    guidance of,
       and protection constantly HP 32.2
       in study of Scriptures with humility and prayer OHC 210.4
       on pathway to heaven OHC 11.4
    hear impatient words spoken in homes HP 99.4
    hearts prepared by, to receive truth; consecration needed PM 92.4
    help of,
       for all FLB 205.7
       for families preparing for city of God OHC 294.3
       for the less favored HP 100.5
       for those who relieve effects of sin HP 102.3
       for those who want to do right UL 82.5
       in fighting battles TDG 190.6
       promised for fighting battles RC 356.2
       when we feel need of Christ’s merits TMK 304.3
    Holy Spirit enabled by, to work on hearts TMK 57.2