EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
       hands of, used by, in practical ministry HP 102.4
       helped by other erring humans better than by LHU 225.6
       made lower than, but will have greater privileges in heaven TDG 255.6
       may become companions of RC 35.3
       nature of, allied to, through Christ OHC 170.2
       not to be replaced by, as God’s instruments HP 103.4
       ordinary, under ministration of, warn people TDG 227.4
       redeemed will be placed higher than unfallen HP 148.5
    humility of, before Christ TMK 175.4
    impressions by,
       on hearts, not by us UL 130.6
       on those who pray to do right UL 253.6
    institutions walked through by; wrong words and attitudes PM 173.1
    instruction from,
       concerning prenatal influence repeated by 1MCP 136.0
       for humans from the Holy of Holies Mar 249.4
       in our spiritual welfare HP 102.3
       in penitent and impenitent souls RC 250.2